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  1. S

    by Grace and through faith

    These verses state that they are speaking about salvation and do not state anything to distinguish between justification and sanctification, but rather that is you reading your theology into them. Likewise, Titus 2:11-13 describes our salvation as being trained by grace to do those works...
  2. S

    by Grace and through faith

    I said: "The content of a gift can itself be the experience of doing works, such as giving someone the opportunity to drive a Ferrari for an hour, where the gift requires them to do the work of driving it in order to have that experience, but where doing that work has nothing to do with trying...
  3. S

    by Grace and through faith

    It is not the case that God gave His law as instructions for how to earn His favor as a wage and that we need to be saved from being required to have first followed His instructions, but rather our salvation is from sin, which is being saved from not following His instructions, which...
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    by Grace and through faith

    Why do you consider Titus 2:11-13 to be hearsay?
  5. S

    by Grace and through faith

    In Titus 2:11-13, our salvation is described as being trained by grace to do what is godly, righteous, and good, and to renounce doing what is ungodly, so it is not the case that we need to get saved first and then we will do those works, but that God graciously teaching us to do those works is...
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    by Grace and through faith

    Grace is a gift and gifts can't be earned, so grace is incompatible with works done for the purpose of earning a wage (Romans 11:6), however, works can be done for any number of purposes that are compatible with gifts, which is also why there are many verses that connect grace and works. For...
  7. S

    by Grace and through faith

    In Ephesians 2:8-10, it denies that our salvation is the earned as the result of our works, but that is not at all the same as saying that God excludes works from salvation, especially because verse 10 says that we are new creations in Christ to do good works. Our salvation is from sin (Matthew...
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    Life In Messiah's Kingdom

    I didn't say anything specifically about Jews, but about the religion that those who live during the Messianic Kingdom will be practicing. Many Jews did accept Christ, for example, in Acts 21:20, they were rejoicing that tens of thousands of Jews were coming to faith in Christ, which means that...
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    Life In Messiah's Kingdom

    The only religion that is described as being practiced in the Messianic Kingdom is the form of Judaism that believes in the Messiah, so that is what life will be like.
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    The Church of Christ?

    Denominations are mostly about having local autonomy, though they are also about grouping people who agree with how we should adhere to and follow the Bible itself. Anyone can label themselves "The Church of Christ", though that doesn't mean that they are the church that Christ rebuilt.
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    Religious Tithing

    All of God's righteous laws are eternal (Psalms 119:160). In Deuteronomy 17:8-13, it gives authority to priests and judges to make rulings about how to correctly obey God's law that the people were obligated to obey, so that is not adding to it.
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    Understanding John the Baptist

    Some of the prophecies about the Messiah portray him as a suffering servant while other portray him as being a conquering king, which led some to think that there would be two Messiahs: Messiah ben Joseph and Messiah Ben David. John the Baptist introduced Jesus as the lamb who would take away...
  13. S

    Grace believer, stop adding to the Gospel

    The fact that there is a time when someone disobeyed the command to honor their parents does not mean that they have never honored their parents. While it is true that no one but Jesus had perfect obedience to God’s law, it is also true that no one but Jesus has needed to have perfect...
  14. S

    Grace believer, stop adding to the Gospel

    There is a spectrum between someone who has perfectly kept God's law, someone who has perfectly disobeyed God's law, and everyone else in between. For example, the fact that someone has at some point broken the command to honor their parents does not mean that they have never done anything to...
  15. S

    Grace believer, stop adding to the Gospel

    We have kept God's law, though only Jesus kept it perfectly. Romans 10:16 is another example of a verses that equates our obedience with our belief. In Matthew 4:15-23, Jesus began his ministry with the Gospel message to repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand, and God's law was how his...
  16. S

    Grace believer, stop adding to the Gospel

    That does not match the fullness of what Scripture says about our salvation, which says that we have been saved from our sin (Ephesians 2:5), we are being saved from continuing to live in sin (Philippians 2:12), and we will be saved from God's wrath on the day of he Lord (Romans 5:9-10). Our...
  17. S

    Grace believer, stop adding to the Gospel

    I did not ignore verses that say that the way to have eternal life is by believing in Jesus, but rather I said: "In Matthew 19:17, Jesus said that the way to enter eternal life is by obeying God's commandments, and in Luke 10:25-28, he said that the way to inherit eternal life is by obeying the...
  18. S

    Grace believer, stop adding to the Gospel

    Ephesians 2:8-10 notably does not state that it is distinguishing between justification and sanctification as you suggest. Denying that our salvation is not the result of our works is not the same as denying that our salvation involves doing works. Again, while do not earn our salvation as the...
  19. S

    Grace believer, stop adding to the Gospel

    The Bible frequently connections having faith/believing in God with our obedience to Him. For example, in Matthew 23:23, Jesus said that faith is one of the weightier matters of God's law. In James 2:18, he would show his faith by his works. In Romans 1:5, we have received grace in order to...