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  1. S

    Sunday Worship?

    The Bible notably does not say that. The Colossians were keeping God's holy days in obedience to God's commands in accordance with the example that Christ set for us to follow, they were being judged by pagans for doing that, and Paul was encouraging not to let any man judge them so that they...
  2. S

    The End Times: Who is the Beast and the Antichrist?

    People will come up for reasons why the political leaders are the antichrist until he comes, though whoever he is, he is identified as someone who is against obeying the Mosaic Law.
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    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    My point was that being a Jew or a Gentile is not revenant to whether followers of God should seek by faith to walk in His way. However, Paul did not say that being a Jew or a Gentile is no longer recant, just that it doesn't give someone a higher status when it comes to being in Christ...
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    The End Times: Who is the Beast and the Antichrist?

    In Matthew 4:15-23, Christ began his ministry with the Gospel message to repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand, which was a light to the nations, and the Mosaic Law was how his audience knew what sin is (Romans 3:20), so repenting from our disobedience to it is a central part of the Gospel...
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    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    God's law is spiritual in that the physical examples have always been intended to teach us spiritual principles that are aspects of God's nature/fruits of the Spirit, but that doesn't mean that they aren't God's true law. For instance, God could graciously teach us 100 examples of how to...
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    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    In Psalms 119142, God's righteousness is eternal and His law is truth, and in Psalms 119:160, the sum of God's word is truth and all of God's righteous laws are eternal, so truth does not change. Jesus said that he came not to abolish the law and warned against relaxing the least part of it, so...
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    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    All followers of God should seek by faith to walk in God's way in accordance with Christ's example regardless of whether they are a Jew or a Gentile. In Exodus 12:38, there was a mixed multitude that went up out of Egypt with the Israelites, so there were Gentiles at the foot of Sinai, and in...
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    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    It might have been written by David, Ezra, Daniel, or someone else.
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    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    Sorry, I messed up the quotes on post #46. Our obligation to obey God's instructions is why people commonly translate "Torah" as "law", though its purpose is to instruct us how to testify about God's character by walking in God's way. There is clear evidence in the Bible that God has given...
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    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    I built a sukkah and dwelt in it for seven days. I ate all of my meals in a sukkah and had festive meals in them with my community. I also waved a lulav. My posts would get too long if I quoted every chapter and verse. While we both no doubt affirm that the Bible is true, we have different...
  11. S

    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    Being an obeyer of God's instructions is the way to have faith in God to correctly divide between right and wrong.
  12. S

    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    You asked if anyone observed Sukkot and I answered affirmatively, so I don't see how that is being evasive. Verses can be interpreted in a variety of ways, so it generally helps if you explain why you are citing them. In any case, I agree that we can't believe Christ's words without also...
  13. S

    Sunday Worship?

    It is important to keep in mind that for Jews the first day of the week starts on Saturday at sundown and Jews have traditionally met at this time for Havdalah to mark the closing of the Sabbath and the beginning of the work week. Jews also traditionally don't handle money on the Sabbath, so...
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    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    God's righteousness is eternal, therefore all of His instructions for how to testify about His righteousness are also eternal (Psalm 119:160). I'm not seeing a good reason to interpret those verses as referring to the Law of God, especially because all of God's righteous laws are eternal. God...
  15. S

    Sunday Worship?

    The Israelites worshiped God on every day, which included obeying His command to keep the 7th day holy, so the problem is not with someone following their own tradition of worshipping God on Sunday to honor the resurrection, but with them hypocritically setting aside God's command to keep the...
  16. S

    The covenant with Noah

    Leading up to Noah, the people had multiplied, but they were not bearing good fruit because they had filled the earth with violence. Noah walked in God's way, so what he needed to multiply was people who were walking in God's way. In Psalms 119:1-3, God's law was how the children of Abraham...
  17. S

    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    The word "Torah" means "instruction", though it is commonly translated as "law" insofar as laws are instructions that we are obligated to follow. In Genesis 4:7, God told Cain that sin was crouching at the door and that he must master it, which implies that he already knew what sin is and...
  18. S

    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    Being obedient to God's instructions for what who do when we have been disobedient is the way to continue to be obedient by faith. Even if someone managed to live in sinless obedience to God's law, then they still would not earn their righteousness as a wage (Romans 4:1-5), so obedience to it...
  19. S

    God's 'Transition' For law To Grace

    In Matthew 4:15-23, Christ began his ministry with the Gospel message to repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand, which was a light to the Gentiles, and God's law is how his audience knew what sin is (Romans 3:20), so repenting from our disobedience to it is a central part of the Gospel...