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  1. B

    Faith is a work.

    I am happy to share my faith. Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 “I will build MY. church. The church belongs to him. He is the head Colossians 1:18- “and He is the head of the body, the church”. In Acts 2:38 3000 people obeyed the sermon preached by Peter When they asked, “what shall we do?” Peter...
  2. B

    Faith is a work.

    Am I to assume then that you do not believe the Holy Spurit in John 6:29 when he said faith is a work? It doesn’t look like to me that that verse is saying “abandon all works”. Where is that in the verse? That is YOUR INTERPRETATION of the verse but that is not what the verse says. If you...
  3. B

    en to gentiles. It was given to God’s special people, the Jews. To be under that law, you would have to be

    Well, my point in my post was that we are not under the old Jewish law of Moses. What is your point?? James is not laying out the doctrine of salvation? Then you must not believe that faith is important in salvation because that is exactly what James is talking about. Yes, The Holy Spirit...
  4. B

    en to gentiles. It was given to God’s special people, the Jews. To be under that law, you would have to be

    By faith alone? Then how do you explain James 2:24- “...NOT by faith only “ . Verse 14- ...though a man says he has faith and does not have works, can faith save him? Verse 17- so faith if it has not works is dead being alone. Faith alone is DEAD AND WILL NOT SAVE ANYONE. the answer is in...
  5. B

    en to gentiles. It was given to God’s special people, the Jews. To be under that law, you would have to be

    Being a Jew by faith and being a Jew by physical birth are two entirely different things. There was a physical nation of Jews in the old testament that were Jews by birth. You seem to have confused the two. The physical nation of Jews were the ones I was talking about in my comments. In the Old...
  6. B

    en to gentiles. It was given to God’s special people, the Jews. To be under that law, you would have to be

    Yes, I agree he was our example of faith, just like all of the other Old Testament characters in Hebrews 11-Abel, Noah, Issac, Jacob,Sarah etc. They are all there as examples of people with great faith. Abraham was also an example of being justified by works in James 2:21. See my comments on...
  7. B

    en to gentiles. It was given to God’s special people, the Jews. To be under that law, you would have to be

    I’m not sure what your point is, but to answer your question of which walk he was closer to the NT walk or a Mosaic one. I would have to say nether since the word walk means @way of life” and he lived hundreds of years before Moses and a thousand years before Christ. He is used as an example of...
  8. B

    Faith is a work.

    To say we are not saved by works is to say we are not saved by faith because the Bible says faith is a work. John 6:29. To say we are not saved by works is misleading. There are at least 3 or 4 different kinds of works talked about in the Bible. Some works we are not saved by are the works of...
  9. B

    Not By Works

    Before you make a broad statement that NO WORKS SAVE US , you need to read John 6:29. “...this is the WORK OF god that you believe...”. You have just eliminated Faith as necessary to salvation b If you say we are not saved by works, then you are saying we are not saved by faith! John 6:29 “...
  10. B

    Why did Peter and John have to go to Samaria in the Book of Acts 8:14

    Perhaps it was because in verse 26 we see that Phillip, the evangelist that had been preaching in Samaria was sent on a special mission by God to leave Samaria and go teach the Ethiopian Eunuch who was traveling back to Ethiopia in his chariot. Some one needed to continue with the work in...
  11. B

    Did Jesus ever tell us that we no longer need to keep the law of Moses?

    Isn’t all of the Bible true? Or do you believe only the words in “red”? Paul was chosen by Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9). Do you really believe there would be a contradiction between what Paul taught and what Jesus taught? 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by the inspiration of...
  12. B

    en to gentiles. It was given to God’s special people, the Jews. To be under that law, you would have to be

    The Old Testament law of Moses was never given to gentiles. It was for God’s special people, the Jews. (Deuteronomy 5:2, 3) To be under that law you would have to become a Jewish proselyte, the same as today. The gentiles had their own law which by the way was the same one in effect BEFORE the...