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  1. P

    Is Ye right?

    You're too young for these forums. And mentally too. Good riddance.
  2. P

    Is Ye right?

    You might find this interesting. Talking to a bratty child as you have been will serve nothing.
  3. P

    Is Ye right?

    What an absurd presumption. How ignorant to ask and answer your own questions and then blame someone else for your answer. Children playing games. 🙄
  4. P

    Does Christ Choose

    The Lamb's Book of Life referred to in Revelation would indicate yes. If all were to be saved I suspect Universalism would not have been labeled a heresy by some. Pauls Romans 3 letter indicates we are incapable of understanding the things of God by our own fallen nature. So that would tell...
  5. P

    I have something wrong with my body

    Your doctor should have told you the causes behind Leukocytosis, aka high white blood cell count. 🙏
  6. P

    Is Ye right?

    It's a pretty simple question.
  7. P

    Kicking a Child Out of the House

    If a minor child, no. Whatever is causing them to act out is going to be compounded by being abandoned by their parents. If an adult child, depends on their age. At 20+ if they're still at home have them pull their weight. Charge rent and a share of utilities, make them buy and cook their own...
  8. P

    Is Ye right?

    Kanye West aka Ye. Can we discuss this without being charged as antisemitic? Recently someone in media, not Yet, talked about the Black Hebrews legacy and the JAADL claimed that was antisemitic. 😳
  9. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    Proceed. 😉🎄
  10. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    I've read their post history. It's unlikely. They could be a staffer and that's why they violate so blatantly.
  11. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    Now we see your heart.
  12. P

    Nothing left but anger

    This thread is over a year old from having any new posts applied. How did a new arrival find it? When the OP member is no longer here.
  13. P

    California Congressman Sues Twitter over 'Shadow Bans'

    That's Satan, not God. I wouldn't hold my breath for that. America is still a nation in God's light. Regardless of what our enemies believe. They would do well to watch out for their own nation rather than look forward to our destruction.
  14. P

    California Congressman Sues Twitter over 'Shadow Bans'

    Not a monopoly? What about the fact Google is irrevocably installed on most every,if not every, cell phone sold? And have even made their own cell phone brand. Their eternal cookie that installs on PC's if you use Google just once, tracks you. Their Google Assistant eavesdrops. I know this...
  15. P

    California Congressman Sues Twitter over 'Shadow Bans'

    Money bought the 2020 election for the Democrats. Musk has enough money to buy Twitter's way out of this. Especially in California. I won't be surprised when, if, this is dismissed by some bought Left leaning judge.
  16. P

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Must be flat earthers. 😆
  17. P

    Blessed, thank you. How about you? Thank you for welcoming me. 😊❤️

    Blessed, thank you. How about you? Thank you for welcoming me. 😊❤️
  18. P

    can you guys post something funny please?

    All true.