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  1. P

    can you guys post something funny please? 🙊🙉🙈 Because ''evidence'' is too many letters?
  2. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    @Eli1, [repost with typo corrections] That's crossed my mind a few times, yes. Right now it feels like we're on pause. So that everything that has happened in rapid succession to corrupt and alter our sense of security in faith and social interaction and of course nomenclature can catch up with...
  3. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    Thank you. May God bless you and yours as well.
  4. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    I wasn't criticizing your remarks to Mr. Snacks, presuming it was he to whom you were speaking. Rather I was expounding upon them from a personal opinion and perspective as a black female. The last post I read of Mr. Snacks before choosing to free myself of encountering his posts was that of...
  5. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    That's crossed my mind a few times, yes. Right now it feels like we're on pause. So that everything that has happened in ra[I'd succession to corrupt and alter our sense of security in faith and social interaction and of course nomenclature can catch up with our emotions and intellects need to...
  6. P

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I think they're gummy worms.
  7. P


    That's the real rub. Russia is still attacking Ukraine and Biden releases an arms dealer, ''The Merchant of Death'', made famous in his portrayal by Nicolas Cage on the movie Lord of War, as a fair trade for a WNBA mediocre basketball player! Families of the three Americans being held by...
  8. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    You miss my point. But thanks for reiterating yours.
  9. P

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Marley! Dog Marley. Funny animal pic's.
  10. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    Precisely. Yet in the dance only one leads.
  11. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    Looks like Mr. Snacks is achieving his objective. 😞
  12. P


    I'm so tired of media obsessing over that woman. She's going to Russia! And chooses to bring an illegal drug into their country! She should serve her time! But she has three qualities our Left Wing can't resist pandering to do to insure support by their base. Black, female, Homosexual...
  13. P

    December 11,2020 -- the day the Supreme Court of the USA went rogue

    The money invested in the Treason of the gutless and demonic, the expanse of complicit traitors, from Pence, to Roberts, to members of Congress, and the lower courts, the polls volunteers too, is unimaginable. Fiat currency at that! And to this day we complain. But do nothing to stop it. Our...
  14. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    I think a long time ago there was a meeting of the minds, shortly after we were the foremost founding member nation of the Union of Nations. America, inventors of the most formidable weapon, an earth killer, the nutron or nuclear bomb, would command the lead for a number of generations in all...
  15. P

    I have something wrong with my body

    I'd say that's negligence on your doctor's part.To leave you hanging like that with no answers. Do your own research too. Have you been sick lately? Don't answer that personal question here, it's just a question because high white blood cell...
  16. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    Being a black woman myself who refuses to hyphenate her American heritage, I find the virus of Political Correctness has done more to dumb down and divide the whole of American culture amid those who subscribe to that nomenclature than any other thing I can think of from the last 50 years, at...
  17. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    Some find peace not paying attention to, encouraging to continue their sinful behavior, those who thrive on injecting evidence of their fallen natures into the peace of Christians in community.
  18. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    There's no right answer for that is there? 😟
  19. P

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    S"Dude653, post: 4979687, member: 83270"]Snacks is wack trying to disrespect blacks. He really needs to go sit on a tack There's always the ignore option when they can't be banned. There's similar to him here who argued with their own imagination while posting that whacked spiel to others in...
  20. P

    Is Ye right?