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  1. L

    Is the false teaching of pre-tribulation rapture, getting the power of "him" out of the way, who restrains the antichrist?

    Here's another set of scriptures describing those who will put away the Lord in favor for the beast, that will create days as those in Noah, and as days of Lot in Sodom. Psalm 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the...
  2. L

    Is the false teaching of pre-tribulation rapture, getting the power of "him" out of the way, who restrains the antichrist?

    He who is restraining lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 as well as today is the Lord. As such, it is then when the Lord who is restraining lawlessness is taken out of the way of people, that the way of lawlessness under the beast and the antichrist will run rampant. As in the days of lot in...
  3. L


    I think that prior to accepting Christ we are all subject to sinning. After accepting Christ who paid the price for our sins so that we may not have to be subject to sinning, it then becomes a choice whether to sin or not to sin.
  4. L

    Parable of the sower

    Agreed. Some just twist the Word to fit their perspectives, which overall denies the Word.
  5. L

    Parable of the sower

    There is another post here with the title about John 15. Described are branches that have been broken off and no longer abide in Christ, and are therefore gathered up and burned. As such, it does appear that those branches that are broken off no longer abiding in Christ would represent those on...
  6. L

    When was Israel s last opportunity to recieve their messaih ?

    That's pretty much how I see it as well. The end of everyone's last opportunity to accept Christ, including the Jews, is during the two witnesses forty two month testifying period in Jerusalem, at the conclusion of which Christ returns, commences to reign (Revelation 11:15), and destroys the...
  7. L

    John 15 What is it about ?

    I acknowledged that the Lord never knew the group in Matthew 7:21-23, and therefore could not represent the branches that were broken off and cast away, as the Lord would have known the branches prior to their leaving and no longer abiding in Christ.
  8. L

    John 15 What is it about ?

    According to Matthew 7:21-23 it appears that there will be many who will have thought they did the will of God in heaven, but to whom Christ will profess his never having known them. Although, if Christ had never known this group of individuals, then they don't exactly qualify for those branches...
  9. L

    Why is there pleasure in sin?

    Some, like myself already see the tribulation (a.k.a., the day of the Lord) having commenced. There hasn't been this number of displaced people throughout the world since the end of WWII, and these numbers are growing daily. Economies are imploding, and starvation is increasing. Even here in the...
  10. L

    Is the end near?

    Do you understand that the meaning of one who watches and sees is to see? If I and others therefore watch for the signs in the Olivet discourse, and these signs were to occur, we would then be the generation that see these signs. This is kindergarten common sense basic deductive reasoning that...
  11. L

    Is the end near?

    I'm keeping watch as instructed by the Lord to see when the signs in the Olivet discourse occur. I'm sure others are keeping watch also. So as there are many who are keeping watch as instructed, when these signs do occur, those keeping watch would be the generation who see these signs. It's very...
  12. L

    Is the end near?

    The generation that shall not pass (who are watching as instructed by the Lord to watch) who shall not pass would naturally see the signs in the Olivet discourse. You are splitting hairs. Matthew 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled...
  13. L

    Is the end near?

    The lord informs us that the generation who witnesses all the events in the Olivet discourse shall not pass away before the end comes. Included in the Olivet discourse is the abomination of desolation whom the prophet Daniel speaks of making a covenant with many for the week. If you were then to...
  14. L

    Is the end near?

    Many references to eating in scriptures are spiritual. I also believe that the travailing woman's basic sustenary needs will be met, but I also believe that the primary sustenance that the woman will be fed is the true bread from heaven, which will result in a caught up to God in heaven...
  15. L

    Is the end near?

    The Lord tells us to watch for the signs in the Olivet discourse which include the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, of which signs, all would occur within a single generation before the end would come. The signs in the Olivet discourse, including the abomination of...
  16. L

    Is the end near?

    Good night all. Signing out.
  17. L

    Is the end near?

    While the woman shall be provided sustenance for her physical body, I also believe the woman being fed is in relation to a spiritual feeding that will result in a singularly minded spiritual being (the male child who is caught up to God and His throne).
  18. L

    Is the end near?

    Here's the thing TheDivineWatermark, The current church consists of those things made by man, and those things made by God. Those whose faith is manmade are those who will be shaken out, while those whose faith is true will not be shaken out. The Lord is now in the process of shaking both the...
  19. L

    Is the end near?

    The details of the 70th week obviously did not occur at the conclusion of the 69th week in which the Lord was crucified, and therefore is a period following the 69th week by some time, and not sequential.
  20. L

    Is the end near?

    Yes I am equating the male child who is caught up to God and His throne with the remnant, rest/plural of her seed. I also see the remnant (plural) who represent the male child who is caught up to God and His throne correlating with Micah 5:3, and distinct from Jesus's birth in Micah 5:2. Do you...