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  1. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    It is true that Christ shedding His blood on the cross provides life to all who choose to accept and believe His Gospel.
  2. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    Very good. And to love your neighbor as yourself is a spiritual quality, which those who look to live by, shall, while those who look to live a life for their flesh will only love others who believe as they do. Matthew 5:46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even...
  3. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    First thing is that God provides an escape for all who want to leave their particular sin. Nothing beyond what one can bear (James 1:12). You just have to really want to leave that particular sin. As I said before, I also have a couple of sins I have not left/overcome, which I know is because I...
  4. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    All I can say again is that we have to take all the Word together, and not just piecemeal. The Lord has freed us from the bondage to sin. Believers only now sin if they so choose to, and not because they are still bound to sin. We are to overcome as directed to do.
  5. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    To follow laws that are not in your heart is a heavy yoke to bear. Whereas, after overcoming my carnal sins which the Lord freed me from having to serve; to then follow the Lord's Spirit that is now in my heart, and which complies with the law, is a light burden/yoke to bear.
  6. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    The Lord is in the volume of the whole bible. We need to hold to all the Word, and not just cherry pick some verses, taking them out of context, which deny other verses, just so that we may feel good about continuing to live for our flesh. To believe in Christ is to believe in all Christ taught.
  7. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    Gods grace which saves us is His Spiritual illumination for those of us who choose to leave their carnal inclinations behind by overcoming them. Like I said before, I have some carnal inclinations which I have yet to be sufficiently contrite over in order to overcome these leaving them behind...
  8. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    You see very well with the Word brother.
  9. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    I have overcome some sins which I no longer have any compulsion in doing, and therefore are no longer any work at all for me. And while there are some sins I still continue to commit, as I am not very contrite about these sins and therefore not very repentant; I do nevertheless realize that in...
  10. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    You see this is where there is a great divide between what some here believe. I and others view the Lord having died on the cross so that I will not have to sin. I am then free to accept this gift from Christ, or to reject this gift and continue on in the flesh. If I choose the latter, I am then...
  11. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    If one believes in Christ and His Way, which is Spiritual, then one will repent of their sins and become acceptable to God. If one, however, does not believe in the Spirit, but instead continues in the flesh indulging in sin, they then are not acceptable to God, and Gods grace which leads us...
  12. L

    Is Matthew 24 the rapture ?

    What does a thief do? A thief takes something you have. When the Lord comes, He will reward the godly will great illumination, while the ungodly He will take away their current illumination, putting the nations in darkness (Isaiah 60:1-2). Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and...
  13. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    All that Christ taught is what represents faith in Christ, which is salvation. And yes, unfortunately there are many who see Christ only as a permanent sin sacrifice and scapegoat for sin. They do this because they have an incorrect definition and understanding of what Christ dying for our sins...
  14. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    Exactly, whatever is anti what Christ truly represents is the culprit.
  15. L

    Is Matthew 24 the rapture ?

    Not only does Matthew 24:39 indicate that those who are taken are the ungodly, but when Jesus comes like a thief, He will then take His Spirit from all the ungodly (Matthew 24:43). Matthew 24:43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he...
  16. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    That's what overcome means isn't it? To battle and subdue?
  17. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    I thought I was making my posts for the building up of others, by providing truth about the Word. So long as you and I and others continue to be contrite about our sins, the Lord looks favorably on us and will save us from our sins, if we so choose to continue in leaving and overcoming our sins...
  18. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    Yes, only God can mortify the deeds of the flesh, which He did by dying on the cross for those who believe in Him. Before I believed in Christ, I was unable to leave my sins, but now by believing Christ died so that I may have freedom from sinning, I can then leave and overcome my sins, if I so...
  19. L

    What does to believe in/on Christ mean to you?

    I also continue to have sins I need to overcome. And I also like yourself am contrite when I sin. The Lord looks favorably on those of us who are contrite in Spirit brother. Psalm 34:18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Psalm...
  20. L

    Is the false teaching of pre-tribulation rapture, getting the power of "him" out of the way, who restrains the antichrist?

    Good morning Truth 7T7, The saints who are overcome in Revelation 13:7, are the same saints in Daniel 7:25 who the little horn of the beast with 10 horns shall wear out with the great words his mouth shall speak. After the 3.5 times (1,260 days) allotted to the beast and little horn, the...