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  1. B

    Would you marry a Buddhist?

    If being a nice "chap" was the criteria for getting into heaven then Jesus Christ would not have died on that cross. Secondily, Hebrews 9:27 destroys the idea of reincarnation. "And it is appointed unto men to die once, and after this the judgment. Have a nice day! :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Not so, I said the following at my post #693. Unfortunately and I'm sorry to say the five foolish virgins were not saved. Look at what Matthew 25:12 says, "But He answered and said, Truly I say to you, I do not know you." Remember in my other post I stated from Matthew 7:23 the four most lethal...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    In regards to 2 Thessalonians 1:7 I beg to differ on your understanding of what it's teaching. The Greek word used is "en" which means, "rest with us "EN/AT" the revelation of our Lord Jesus from heaven etc. What's interesting is the that same Greek word "en" is used at vs10 of 2 Thessolonians...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    It's my understanding that the inhabitants that end up in the milennium from the 7 year tribulation. There will be people who will survive the gt and a large number of them will be unbelivers. Plus others will be born during that time. Remember Jesus said at Matthew 24:19, "Woe to those who are...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Oh boy, how should I go about addressing what you have stated? Let me first say that I consider myself a "rational empiricist." Doubting Thomas was a "rational empiricist" in that he wanted to see evidence of our Lord's resurrection at John 20:25-28. I also like to think logically and use...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    I'm sorry but your "frustration" is unfounded when you said, "Sometimes I feel as if you and others are purposely resisting the truth." Did it ever occure to you that faith is never without a basis of evidence. God ask no man to trust without evidence, just read Hebrews 11:1. Just because Jesus...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    It's a little ironic you brought this up because I was doing some research on this subject and found the following site. Now mind you, even though I'm a postribulationist I have never heard of this...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Unfortunately and I'm sorry to say the five foolish virgins were not saved. Look at what Matthew 25:12 says, "But He answered and said, Truly I say to you, I do not know you." Remember in my other post I stated from Matthew 7:23 the four most lethal words (at least accoding to me) is when Jesus...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Can you please be more specific and identify the exact verses your talking about at John 14? Btw, I think you mean John 13, what verses there? :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Well then answer me this? It says at Matthew 24:37-40, "For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. vs38, "For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating a drinking, they were marrying and given in marriage, until the day Noah entered the arc. Vs39...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Hold on there nehemiah I want to understand what your saying. You referenced Matthew 24:30 and said, "This has nothing to do with the rapture, but with the battle of Armageddon, which is AFTER the Great Tribulation. So when DOES the rapture take place between Matthew 24:15 through Matthew 24:28...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    So tell me absolutely, how do you know the foolish virgins are saved? :eek: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  13. B

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Now you see, who's the one with the attitude? This is usually what happens when people are confronted with Biblical evidence staring them right in the face and the only thing they can do is resort to "ad hominem's" which means attacking a person's character instead of dealing with the issue at...
  14. B

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Oh boy, here we go again. I think it would be better if you kept your name, "TooFastTurtle" because it's obvious as least to me you are coming to false conclusions to fast. Please, allow me to explain what I mean. What person would you go to at Matthew chapter 24 that knows what He is talking...
  15. B

    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Why would I call you, maybe I'll text you! :rolleyes: You have at Matthew 24:3 three of the disciples asking, "What will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age/world?" At Matthew 24:15 Jesus says, "Therefore (which means in light of what I said previously, verses 4-14) WHEN you...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Sister DeigAnn is totally right when she brought up the ten virgins at Matthew 25:1-13. Her point is the same point I was going to bring up to your buddy Mr. Absolutelynot at his post #544. "The parable of the 10 virgins reinforces the call for readiness in the face of uncertain times of the...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Here you go again, bragging about things you have no knowledge about which means your "clueless." What kind of "asinine" statement is this when you say, "(You will never hear a postrib unpack our verses. They skip them every time.)" I am not skipping them and furthermore you don't even know...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    I don't know why you choose not to open the link but I assure you there's nothing to fear. The article is very "lengthy" so I decided to post notable people who are postribulationist, There are many more is you click on the additional link. Also, the article goes into great detail with evidence...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Is this all you got absolutely? How do you know what Ephraim actually said, "For all the saints and elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and are taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins." The second I read...
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    What is your BEST PROOF for a pre-trib Rapture?

    Look, you got caught making "erroneous" statments, (actually lots of them" when you posted that the church fathers, particularly Irenaeus and Hippolytus were pretribulationist. You also said in your post, "You should check them out." Well unlike you I did check them out and they believed the...