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  1. B

    Why do we call the Father, the Creator ..when the Son should have that title also?

    Well I appreaciate your change in attitude, it's refreshing. It's pretty rare that people will change their position, especially reagarding the Bible. What holds them back is "pride." So again, thank you! I would also like to add on what pottersclay stated here: " Much like the architects of...
  2. B

    Why do we call the Father, the Creator ..when the Son should have that title also?

    First of all I am not "ranting." I'm explaining to your "clueless" mind what the Scriptures are teaching. Secondly, I'm responding specifically to what you initially stated in your thread. As I pointed out and so did others that God the Father and God the Son are "NOT" one and the same person...
  3. B

    Why do we call the Father, the Creator ..when the Son should have that title also?

    Excuse me but how would you explain that Jesus should be given credit for creation? What would you say that the Bible does not already say in your opinion? You also made this statement, "I know Christ and the Father are the same person, but I don't get why we are told the Father gets the title...
  4. B

    As the angel of the LORD, Jesus appeared as a man, or spoke, to many in the O.T. Do you believe He has appeared since the Ascension?

    I read the blog about Samuel Horsley and he was a very impressive man and he knew his stuff. He tore Dr. Priestley (a Unitarian) apart regarding orthodox theology. What he wrote about the angel of the Lord is spot on as well. In Him, bluto
  5. B

    As the angel of the LORD, Jesus appeared as a man, or spoke, to many in the O.T. Do you believe He has appeared since the Ascension?

    It's both! He appeared to Mary at John 20:17 and told her not to touch Him for He has not yet ascended. Then after His ascension He appeared to many. In Him, bluto
  6. B

    As the angel of the LORD, Jesus appeared as a man, or spoke, to many in the O.T. Do you believe He has appeared since the Ascension?

    Ok, I'm glad to hear that TheWay. And the way I will explain this is by sort of parapharsing instead of quoting all the verses, and you can check out to see if what I am saying is true according to Acts 17:11. The very first appearance of the angel of the Lord as the angel of the Lord is at...
  7. B

    As the angel of the LORD, Jesus appeared as a man, or spoke, to many in the O.T. Do you believe He has appeared since the Ascension?

    Your not paying attention. Jesus Christ did "NOT" appear in the New Testament as the angel of the Lord. Not only that, but I already posted numerous places where Jesus appeared after His resurrection. Again, you guys are not paying attention. IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  8. B

    As the angel of the LORD, Jesus appeared as a man, or spoke, to many in the O.T. Do you believe He has appeared since the Ascension?

    Now that I had a nice lunch I'm still trying to understand what your point is on this issue? What did I say that is not Biblical in your opinion? And btw, the following is what Hebrews 9:28 states, "so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many shall appear a second time for...
  9. B

    As the angel of the LORD, Jesus appeared as a man, or spoke, to many in the O.T. Do you believe He has appeared since the Ascension?

    Of course He appeared after His acension at numerous times. Matthew 28:8-10, Luke 24:13-43, John 20:16-17, To Thomas at John 20:26-29, at Acts 1:9 and at 1 Corinthaians 15:7. These appearances proved He did indeed resurrect from the dead. So what's your point? I will say that those appearances...
  10. B

    As the angel of the LORD, Jesus appeared as a man, or spoke, to many in the O.T. Do you believe He has appeared since the Ascension?

    It should be first stated that "the" angel of the Lord who is the preincarnate Jesus Christ "NEVER" appears in the New Testament, only in the Old Testament. Secondly, Jesus is "NOT" an actual angel. The Hebrew word for angel is "malak." It simply means "messenger" and it can refer to an actual...
  11. B

    Evrelasting Father

    I'm sorry to say that none of the verses you quoted prove that Jesus Christ is God the Father. When you say, "he/Jesus is the father" your advocating "Modalism," or a form of it and like I said this is what the Oneness Pentecostals teach. Modalism upholds the deity of Jesus Christ, but does not...
  12. B

    Evrelasting Father

    You said, " I can't see how He can be both Father and Son." First of all (and I want to make this perfectly clear) the one person of Jesus Christ is not God the Father nor is He God the Holy Spirit. It is the oneness pentecostals that teach this heretical doctrine. They literally teach that...
  13. B

    Evrelasting Father

    Shandy is asking about Isaiah 9:6, about the "Eternal Father" part. What does that have to do with your understanding of putting Jesus Christ above the Father? The verse itself or the pharse Eternal Father has nothing to do with it. The verse also identifies Jesus as the "Mighty God," what do...
  14. B

    Evrelasting Father

    Let me see if I can "unconfuse" you. It means that Jesus Christ is the Father of time and eternity, the source and origin of time, space and eternity. I'm sure you heard the saying that "George Washington" is the father of our country. This means he presided at the Constitutional Convention of...
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    It makes perfect sense and the only reason you can't see it is because your still feeding on milk instead of meat. I just read what you said below, you know, "I'm not interested in what theologians have to say." Really! Why do you think the Apostle Paul mentioned teachers at 1 Corinthians...
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    Let me "chime" in on this issue and point out the immediate context of what the Apostle Paul is telling the Philippian "BELIEVERS." The context is "NOT" about working out your salvation to get saved. Starting at vs 2-3, "make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love...
  17. B

    Plea not to receive mark of the beast because of waiting for rapture

    First of all what I stated is not a "thesis." They are simply four points that support (in my view) the postribulation position. You said there is no proof of the position so I'm asking you to prove what I stated is in error. You now are telling me in so many words that "I'm right (me) and your...
  18. B

    Plea not to receive mark of the beast because of waiting for rapture

    Are you kidding me? What do you think my point is? It's based on this statement of yours. "I have never seen, in 38 years of study/ debate, anyone successfully defend a postrib rapture. It is that far fetched." I gave you just four points (out others I could provide) that support a...
  19. B

    Plea not to receive mark of the beast because of waiting for rapture

    Really, that's because you have never met me. And after reading all your comments I have the following question for you? How is it you fit through doorways with an ego like yours? Here's what I'm going to do, I'm going to raise four "Biblical" points and see how you address them? Btw, there...