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  1. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    KJV1611, re: "It looks to me like the bible starts days at sunrise." If you mean "calendar" days, what scripture are you using to say that?
  2. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Endoscopy, Why did you quote my post #697 reply to KJV1611 in your post #699 and then comment on a different issue?
  3. R


    If Christmas observance is such an important part of Christianity it seems a bit odd that scripture is silent with regard to anyone observing it - other than the shepards at the first one.
  4. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    KJV1611, re: "Jesus said he would be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. What does a calendar day have to do with anything?" You're changing the issue. You wrote that Thursday was the first day and night Christ was in the grave. I merely was questioning that assertion...
  5. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    KJV1611, re: "Are you kidding? 3 o’clock in the afternoon means that night for that same day follows in a few hours. Am I missing something?" Ahhh, I think I see the problem. You for some reason think the new calendar day starts at sunrise and not at sunset.
  6. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    KJV1611, re: "I assumed you meant Christ died at night..." You asssumed incorrectly. Scripture says it was the 9th hour which I think is generally thought of as around 3pm which you noted. It also indicates that the burial took place before the start of the next calendar day. This means...
  7. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    KJV1611, re: "The ninth hour is 3 o’clock in the afternoon isn’t it?" I think that was the case at the time. Any particular reason for asking?
  8. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    KJV1611, re: "I don't see how there are any questions about how many days he was in the tomb or which day of the week he was crucified on. Christ was in the grave 3 literal days and nights. There are no 'Jewish idioms' involved in this story." As I previously wrote , the OP was poorly written...
  9. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Maybe someone new visiting this topic may know of examples.
  10. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    preacher4truth, You have a question directed to you in post #660.
  11. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Endoscopy, I have no idea what your post #681 has to do with anything I've written. Perhaps you could explain?
  12. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Endoscopy, re: "Keep in mind that Jesus was very specific about the time frame. Therefore your question seems to be trying to find a way to reduce the amount of time." As I previously wrote , the OP was poorly written with regard to it's purpose. However, it was clarified in a number of...
  13. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Endoscopy, re: "Looks to me like you are trying to destroy the meaning of the time in the tomb!!" What???? What have I said that would cause you to make such a statement? Please be specific.
  14. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Endoscopy, re: "1. Jesus stated that the only sign that he was the Messiah was sign of Jonah. As Jonah was in the belly of the big fish for 3 days and 3 nights so he was going to be in tomb for 3 days and 3 nights." Agree. re: "2. The concept of Friday evening to Sunday morning being 3...
  15. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Well you know what they say - "Ignorance is bliss". Which must be your condition since you seem to be ignorant with regard to this topic's issue.
  16. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Change 1 to post #670: Change the word "to" to the word "not".
  17. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Endoscopy, re: "That is because there were no such things." Then this topic does to apply to you.
  18. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Endoscopy, re: "You ignore the fact that as I previously stated it is directly on topic." I didn't ignore it; I discounted it as a fact. This topic is concerned with one thing and only one thing. None of your replies provide examples which show that it was common to forecast or say that a...
  19. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Endoscopy, re: "Not worth bothering to reply. I stated my case and don't need to repeat it." I hope that means you'll stop hijacking this topic with your off topic comments.
  20. R

    Three Days and Three Nights

    Endoscopy, re: "The problem is those stating Friday burial and Sunday morning resurrection ignore what the Gospels clearly state. 1. He was crucified during Passover week. 2. There are annual Sabbaths in addition to the weekly Sabbaths. 3. Pesach aka Passover week begins and ends with an annual...