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  1. love_comes_softly

    I wish......

    I wish I had one more week. 🙂
  2. love_comes_softly

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    What would you like to do?
  3. love_comes_softly

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Quite possible. 🙂 It’s interesting now, in the moment, not so much!
  4. love_comes_softly


    Pictures really are powerful. It’s so sad. I have seen similar images to show childhood trauma, I’m sure they are linked. I wonder if this is showing permanent change or if somehow it can be healed. I do believe the Lord can heal anything. Thanks for sharing another side, that depression...
  5. love_comes_softly

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    My nightmares are stress induced. It’s probably been years since I have had the one I had last night, but I wonder why they have to be the same? I wonder if there’s some sort of significance that brings back the same nightmare.
  6. love_comes_softly

    If you would like to marry soon...….?

    Oh goodness!! Thanks for the laugh! I should start doing this. :ROFL:
  7. love_comes_softly

    If you would like to marry soon...….?

    I like the idea of questions.
  8. love_comes_softly

    Leg hair on women! What do you think?

    This is one of societies expectations that I don't mind. I'm all for shaving. :) However, if you don't want to, to each their own.
  9. love_comes_softly

    If you would like to marry soon...….?

    I'd love for my future husband to be wise, caring, considerate of mine and others feelings, not afraid to say sorry, aware, present and of course a sense of humor and sense of adventure would be great bonuses. I'd love someone who is passionate and not afraid to share his thoughts and opinions...
  10. love_comes_softly


    Really good point. I'm personally not familiar with those arguments. Thank you for the scriptures. I always appreciate those.
  11. love_comes_softly


    Thank you all for sharing.Especially those that shared personal experiences; that's not easy, but a blessing. I personally have not ever struggled with what I'd call true depression as things don't typically bother me for periods of time. Perhaps a day or two at most. As many of you have...
  12. love_comes_softly


    Depression is something that most people have had some sort of experience with in one way or another. I don’t believe there is necessarily one answer to the question I’m going to ask, so feel free to share your views with the understanding that it’s different for everyone. Is depression...
  13. love_comes_softly

    Do you sometimes just don’t feel like talking?

    I appreciate quiet times very much. I don’t get them too often, but when I get the chance to have quiet time, I enjoy it. There have been times where I needed it, not just desired it.
  14. love_comes_softly

    What does music mean to you?

    Music for me as changed throughout my life. As a child, I listened to what my parents listened to. Throughout school, I'd listen to whatever anyone had on (as long as it wasn't obnoxious). As a young adult music really started to give me a headache. It didn't even matter what type it was. I...
  15. love_comes_softly

    Difference between conviction and guilt?

    Hello All, I’ve been thinking about the difference between feeling convicted versus feeling guilt. What do you think the major difference is? Have any scriptures come to mind? Thanks for sharing!
  16. love_comes_softly

    What does music mean to you?

    In talking with family today, we were discussing the power of music in some of our lives. It was interesting that it meant different things to different people. What if anything does music mean to you? Has it had an impact on your life? Do you listen to it at certain times? What kind of...
  17. love_comes_softly

    Favorite things..

    I love this! It's such a great feeling to have that time with a close friend.
  18. love_comes_softly

    What is your mission?

    My mission is to follow the Lord wherever that may be and to glorify His name. If marriage comes, praise the Lord, but it's not my mission. I've been looking into mission trips, but have never been on one.
  19. love_comes_softly

    what did you do this weekend?

    Went to church where the importance of prayer was talked about. It was very timely. I appreciate how the Lord does that for His children. Had some much needed family time. About 30 of us came. :) We cooked out, played volleyball and had lots of laughs. God is so good!! <3 I also met someone...