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  1. true_believer

    Stopping Global Abortions

    You keep making that declaration about abortion supporters. But you're not explaining why this situation isn't an an abortion or unlawful. Abortion shouldn't be something that one uses for because a pregnancy is inconvenient due to irresponsible behavior or an unplanned pregnancy between a...
  2. true_believer

    Stopping Global Abortions

    So if the woman took the mixture and her child dies, that's a terminated pregnancy. Plain and simple.
  3. true_believer

    The truth about Muhammad "Feedback appreciated"

    I met with a friend today who was visiting from England. She told me about a Muslim family in the U.K. that reported their daughter missing. It turns out that the father murdered his daughter and buried her in the backyard of their home.. Her father found out that she was dating someone from...
  4. true_believer

    Linked words game

    Master key
  5. true_believer

    Stopping Global Abortions

    Even though the KJV uses archaic English and inferior translation methods, it's essentially saying the same thing as the quotation I posted.
  6. true_believer

    Stopping Global Abortions

    How is taking a mixture that causes a miscarriage NOT a form of abortion? "If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell...
  7. true_believer

    The truth about Muhammad "Feedback appreciated"

    Can you tell us more details about how you were assaulted?
  8. true_believer

    The truth about Muhammad "Feedback appreciated"

    It's a religion of "making pieces" of infidels and apostates.
  9. true_believer

    The truth about Muhammad "Feedback appreciated"

    If you follow Christian news websites such as the Christian Post, you will regularly see incidents of Christians all over the wold being harassed, persecuted or hunted down.
  10. true_believer

    Russian Propaganda Calls On Americans to "Help our Partner Trump Become President"

    All politicians do this to a greater or lesser extent. But the white house needs a decent conservative to combat absurd "progressive" ideas such as the LGBQTXYZ agenda.
  11. true_believer

    Stopping Global Abortions

    There are places in the Bible where abortion is permitted under certain circumstances. The Book of Numbers, Chapter 5 for example.
  12. true_believer

    The sin of refusing sex

    It might end up in a mess, but many are taking that risk. Not all are looking for a fling or "one and done" as you put it. Some are replacing their partners/spouses with online meet ups.
  13. true_believer

    The sin of refusing sex

    "Nope" to what exactly? This is a fact of modern society and the digital age. Everyone knows individuals that are guilty of this.
  14. true_believer

    Russian Propaganda Calls On Americans to "Help our Partner Trump Become President"

    It really doesn't matter much who's in the White House, Democrat or Republican. The so-called "commander-in-chief" serves individuals or groups with the deepest pockets. (i.e. corporations).
  15. true_believer


    You can find out online if a member of the opposite sex is into music you don't like or other deal breakers. I won't be dating a Justin Bieber fan. Sorry. :LOL:
  16. true_believer

    The sin of refusing sex

    Thanks to social media and dating apps, this gives men and women more opportunities to be unfaithful or replace a partner with rapid ease.
  17. true_believer


    I'm speaking from experience. There's a lot of things that you can only learn about a person face-to-face.
  18. true_believer


    It's better to meet in person with someone through mutual interests or activities.
  19. true_believer

    HOME Thread for Christian Singles and Friends

    It's not about the state having all the power. It's about making society unsafe by giving the masses easy access to firearms. The status quo in America in regards to many issues are a complete failure. The gun restrictions implemented in Australia, have made their society much safer...