Well an "S" seems to suit you well since you are now sinking into "sewage" by redirecting the convo by focusing on something that doesn't have relevance to the initial topic or discussion.
Where there's smoke, there's usually fire.
So even though Trump lies and does immoral things politically and personally, that's okay because he's supposedly not as bad or dumb as the people that's he's opposing. If any of his supporters think that, that makes them just as morally bankrupt as he is
And how do you know that the people he...
Trying to bring up the character flaws of someone's observations is merely a red herring form of deflection.
This is about a large segment of the U.S. population that is either fooled by Trump's obviously flawed and unethical character or others that refuse to admit what's wrong with him out...
If the covid vaccine is the "Mark of the Beast" according to some members in here and Trump facilitated the R&N of the vaccine, that must make Trump and his administration a platform for Satan and/or the Anti-Christ.
Trump says the covid vaccine was created by his administration.
One cannot be Christian and support a thief, con-artist, narcissist, philander and traitor like Trump.
The Republican party is promoting absurd conspiracy theories such as Qanon, a stolen 2020 election and denial of the Jan 6th riots.
I think it doesn't matter what the medium is for dating whether it be in person or online.
Success in dating has a lot to do with one's personality, timing, luck and/or providence.