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  1. P

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Thank you. 🐒❤️
  2. P

    Last person to post wins!!!

    ❤️ Enjoy a gift of a few seconds of pure adorableness.
  3. P

    Retired Navy SEAL made famous after coming out as trans announces detransition: 'Destroyed my life'

    Our executive branch has garnered mockery and laughter abroad long before this latest made news. Transsexuals are permitted to serve in our military. Castrated or wearing tuck panties, they're still and shall always be male. The same for women who claim to be male. Whether they've had the male...
  4. P

    Please pray for Anthony

  5. P

    Retired Navy SEAL made famous after coming out as trans announces detransition: 'Destroyed my life'

    True. At one time that was the case. Now such a thing could very well be considered Transphobic.
  6. P


    I've long thought it should be considered and prosecuted as medical malpractice.
  7. P


    Btw, this 13 year old article is not satire. Those Who Practice Bestiality Say They're Part of the Next Sexual Rights Movement Thomas Francis August 20, 2009
  8. P


    Not at all surprised. Gay romance movies are in theaters now. Two that I know of to date. For years there's been a coloring book on the market that teaches children boys menustrate. Imagine a son's confusion if they are in the family bathroom and see a box of tampons in the bathroom closet...
  9. P


    True. Only they are now a man with artificial breast implants, who have, though some choose not to have the surgery, been castrated and now have mutilated their male anatomy so to make manifest an artificial concavity between their legs. Sans ovaries of course. Whereas females have chosen to...
  10. P

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    This is my last post in this thread because I felt led to make this observation after reading your post. Maybe consider if someone advancing the FE myth claims it is conceivable because, wording the following any way they like, no one has ever actually seen Earth but rather take NASA's and...
  11. P

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Lies do not refute science. Denial of proofs does not refute science. It doesn't bother me a bit when a FE makes the charge of pride against God given intellect that allows us to journey to his creation and prove to unbelievers the truth of his word, made manifest by proof of the existence of...
  12. P

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Did you read what you wrote before committing it to post? Just because a theory doesn't exist doesn't make it false? Also, if a theory is incomplete then it is false due to its incompleteness not qualifying as theory. Theory 1: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle...
  13. P

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Of course. It could be worse. There could be, or probably is when FE's Satirists exist, those who believe Earth is a square because of the Biblical references to the four corners of the Earth in scripture. I wonder what FE's think the pillars are erected upon that hold up their flat world. 1...
  14. P

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Inmate Fauci, in San Quinten. Ah, if only. That would indeed be justice. Full justice being seizure of all his assets, even those he'd try to hide, and proceeds going in equal measure to the surviving family members of those who died. Or, suffered injury due to his quackery. There is one...
  15. P


    I think that presumptuous to say what you claim is commonly believed by Christians regarding Transsexuals. Whereas it is contrary to our faith to encourage, enable, approve, and ignore the mental illness that afflicts person's as Body Dysmorphoc Disorder. I. E Body Dysphoria, Aka...
  16. P

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    There are FE's that go even further than insisting Earth is flat.
  17. P

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    I agree. Rebuking them for pushing the lie that was born to mock and devalue our faith is not condemnation of the perpetrators. Condemnation is left to God at their judgement. We're to defend truth and the scripture. Not enjoy mixing with those who blaspheme God's creation and mock his work.
  18. P

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Great fun? Debating a lie conceived to discredit our faith and blaspheme the Bible.
  19. P

    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    They claim the Bible supports their falsehood.