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  1. P

    BIDEN PROMOTES TRANSGENDER SURGERY FOR CHILDREN Biden’s HHS Secretary has now confirmed that the Biden Administration is using taxpayer dollars to push young children to have sex change operations and take dangerous...
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    A distinction without a difference.
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    BIDEN PROMOTES TRANSGENDER SURGERY FOR CHILDREN Most who discuss this issue know those who suffer the mental illness of gender dysmorphia look at their genitals and see error. God put them in the wrong body. Gender Dysphoria is a relatively new identity for the same disorder as...
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    When the homosexual community corrupted the 1611KJV Bible to produce their queen James version, intentionally exploiting the ancient slander initiated by one of King James enemies, that he was homosexual, after they deleted their so called clobber verses, those passages that condemn their sons...
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    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    The truth will never reach those dedicated to the myth of flat Earth. Some don't actually believe it. I think they merely enjoy watching how long rational people will try to reach them. Trying is folly at best. And feeding negative intent at worse. For earth to be flat all planets and our...
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    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Are the other planets in our solar system flat? Is the moon? The sun, is it a flat disc?
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    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Because God inspired the intellect in humans to reach for the stars , and achieve their goal. Because the Earth is not flat and this is God's way of proving it when some of us first ignore his words that refer to the circle of the earth. Ignoring evidence sustaining proof of a globe earth...
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    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    That's funny. Thank you.
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    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Mr. Bumgartner was wearing a camera during the jump. The claim of different footage used is one of the dismissive FE's used to discount the jump. However the jump did not incorporate different footage into coverage of the actual jump. Cut from the prior linked article @...
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    World Economic Forum developing an "individual carbon footprint tracker"

    The Giki Zero free online tool. Just another effort by globalists working for the Great Reset.
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    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    I should add this for clarity for the above snippet. Put simply, the Coriolis Effect makes things (like planes or currents of air) traveling long distances around Earth appear to move at a curve as opposed to a straight line.
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    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    The sheep icon that appears in the video still in your post. To the left of the video title. Thank you. I haven't read that thread. Do you answer my question there?
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    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    :love: Felix Baumgartner and Red Bull Stratos [Cut]Flat-Earthers questioned that if the Earth is rotating, then why Felix jumped straight down to the same location? First, Felix still retained the inertia he had when he was still standing on the surface...
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    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    You believe the Earth is flat? P. S Love the sheep astronaut icon. 😆
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    No, we can't impose a Christian theocracy upon America. That undertaking failed early on. And as example, with horrific consequence in just the New England Puritan community. However, I would suggest common sense and morality are not exclusive to Christianity. We cannot concede to the...
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    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    OK. Going from the point of perspective with regard to the rendering, be it rabbit or duck, neither. And this is I think relative to the FE perspective. A rabbits ears even in profile do not appear on the rabbits head even from a side view the way that sketch presumed to imply. Nor is a ducks...
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    I think those suffering gender dysphoria are being betrayed by a system that first vows, do no harm. Rather than treating those who suffer gender dysmorphia, the medical and mental health sciences are supporting the dis-ease in those patients. Allowing the mental illness to not only continue...
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    I think you make the mistake in your rationale because you argue from the false perspective that Christianity is tolerant and promotes freedom. This is patently false as the Bible proves. As does also the history of the faith. I will not cite supporting scripture because those should be known...
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    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    Odd. I've no idea what that's showing me except that it appears to be a video featuring a frame loop. Earth now live from space.
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    Is The Earth Flat Or Round?

    It's the 21st century and yet there is a push for our intellects to revert to the 13th century mode of thinking the Earth is flat. Earth must be flat else planes could not land leaving point A to touch down on point B. Because a spinning globe would not allow that. Goodness gracious who really...