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  1. P

    When do you cut off a friendship once becoming distant?

    Concerning your first post, it is my view the person you mentioned has long ago cut off your friendship. Below referrs to both that and your recent question in this post. Friendships aren't all meant to last a lifetime. Sometimes they're meant to last for as long as the relationship gives you...
  2. P

    What are you listening to?

    The cable music channel, Soundscapes. 💕
  3. P

    Are we still protesting pagan holidays or did we surrender?

    Thank you. And the same to you and yours as well. :)
  4. P

    Does God Love Some People More?

    I agree. Romans 2
  5. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    In my journey I have learned it to be folly to debate legalists.
  6. P

    Almonds for stubborn belly fat

    I wonder if that works with almond milk?
  7. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    Romans 11 tells us Israel can be grafted in again. Acts 2 shows us how many of the nation were. God is true to his word. Disciplining son's and daughter's of God isn't losing Salvation. Hebrews 12
  8. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    Those verses from Romans aren't saying we can lose our salvation. They're referring to the nation of Israel. Romans 9 refers to Israel of the past. Chapter 10 to contemporary Israel. Chapter 11,future Israel. We can never lose our Salvation. God bestowed it by his choice. If we can do...
  9. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    Please show me those verses that support your post. Including those that detail how God takes back everything that occurred to make us born again.
  10. P

    Are we still protesting pagan holidays or did we surrender?

    Maybe we can do ourselves a good turn by stopping this search for enemies in all things. And instead rest in the assurance of Christ as our all truth. We're not going to change the Gregorian calendar. We're still going to refer to the days of the week by their present names. Christmas,like...
  11. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    Typos, huh? 🙃😉 I know how you feel.
  12. P

    Are we still protesting pagan holidays or did we surrender?

    Protesting others holidays? They pose no threat to me. If I pick a fight with pagans influence in my life I'm going to have to pick a fight with the Gregorian calendar. It's already Suns day. I'm off work on Moon day. Sadly, I have to clock in by 5a.m on Tyr's day...
  13. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    Of all that the Father gives Jesus, Jesus shall lose none. No one can take us from his hand. We are saved by God's grace. Not of ourselves so that none may boast.
  14. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    I disagree with their narrative. Satan conspired with the Father to test Job's faith in a wager in the Old Testament. If Satan was responsible for Judas actions in turning Jesus over to the Sanhedrin, then it was Satan again serving God's will. And Judas being possessed was not responsible...
  15. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    Was it betrayal? When Jesus told Judas to hurry and do what he must? It is said Satan had entered Judas just before that. I think that is a conclusion after the fact.Not a fact. Otherwise it would be Satan who then obeyed Jesus command. And this then defeated Satan and his power over death...
  16. P

    The State of the World Today! Is it the Endtimes??????

    Great post. ''Having a wide open border -- no one could have believed that.'' There's a commercial out now claiming Jesus was a refugee. Yes, we never would have seen something that absurd years ago.
  17. P

    The State of the World Today! Is it the Endtimes??????

    Jesus took away the power of death from Satan after Jesus resurrected from the dead. Yet Satan remains Lord of this world that is otherwise entirely under his powers. For as long s God allows. Since Jesus ascension, maybe it has always been the end times. Which is why we're to put on the...
  18. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    That's Eisegesis. I accept that is true for you. However, that is not Biblical Godly Gospel Exegesis. And those new to our faith should therein know your ideas are not God's message. For information purposes from ''Exegesis means using the words of the text in Scripture...
  19. P

    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    I agree. If we could lose what God gives through no effort on our part Jesus' promise would have only been a tease. Why would any Christian insist that's as much as true? 😔
  20. P

    Merry Christmas

    I just Gnu this was going to be a thing. Merry Christmas.