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  1. Simona1988

    St. John Chrysostom's Easter Sermon

    You could start a thread on his homily against Jewish faith and Judaizing Christians of his time and I will defend him there. Yes, anti-Semitism, which means preaching and proceeding to the extermination of the Jews, is hatred. Now, please, come up with evidence that St. John Chrysostom...
  2. Simona1988

    St. John Chrysostom's Easter Sermon

    In the liturgical books of the Eastern Orthodox Church, there are many chants which scold the Jews for having rejected Jesus Christ as their Messiah. This is certainly not politically correct, but it's not anti-Semitic, either.
  3. Simona1988

    St. John Chrysostom's Easter Sermon

    I was expecting your comment, kayla. His homilies against Jews and Judaizing Christians are very strong, indeed, but I am very responsible when I say that he didn't have hate in his heart, nor was he anti-semitic.
  4. Simona1988

    The Gospel??

    When we live according to the gospel, we are alive. When we live according to the world, we live only in theory. We are an alter-persona. We are not truly ourselves. We don't really live, we are being lived. In the kingdom of God, we are united with Christ and are our fullest self. In hell we...
  5. Simona1988

    The Gospel??

    Mailmandan, Repentance doesn't simply mean 'to change your mind'. It means to switch your mind with the mind/thought of God in order to do God's will.
  6. Simona1988

    The Gospel??

    The word repentance triggers different meanings in the mind of Christians. The most common being regret for past actions and way of living your life prior to accepting Christ as your Savior. And this person would be correct. However, repentance means way much more than that. The greek word for...
  7. Simona1988

    St. John Chrysostom's Easter Sermon

    Thank you, Platosgal! God bless you too! I am not Catholic either. Catholics already celebrated Easter the 4th of April. When I first heard this sermon my eyes filled with tears.
  8. Simona1988

    St. John Chrysostom's Easter Sermon

    I don't feel like starting an argument over what you said. We both know you didn't read neither the sermon, nor the link you provided, which makes your comment shallow and biased.
  9. Simona1988

    St. John Chrysostom's Easter Sermon

    Well, if you truly believed that 'to each his own', you would have abstained from linking Saint John Chrysostom to Roman-Catholicism in an attempt to diminish and question his sermon and person.
  10. Simona1988

    The Gospel??

    The whole New Testament is crossed from the beginning until the end by the summon to repentance.
  11. Simona1988

    St. John Chrysostom's Easter Sermon

    Christ has risen! We celebrate Easter this night, I can hear the choir and the priests from my apartment. Unfortunately, I couldn't go because of health problems in the family. I want to share with you the sermon of St. John Chrysostom which is normally read on the night of the Resurrection...
  12. Simona1988

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    Maybe 'cessationism' was the same doctrine avant la lettre held by the Pharisees. They confessed with their lips the God of Abraham, they knew the Bible very well, the miracles and the signs registered in it but couldn't believe that the same miracles and signs could occur during their...
  13. Simona1988

    Very concerned about Hebrews 10:26 (New Member)

    I pondered a lot before sharing this publicly and I kind of hoped that not a lot of people would read this. But I had to share it in order to encourage the opener of the thread and others to never lose their hope in God, always seek Him because it only takes two steps from your part, the rest...
  14. Simona1988

    Very concerned about Hebrews 10:26 (New Member)

    Also, I consider a fault and lack of faith that "I am normal again". I am seeing and thinking like the world, when I should see and think like God. Especially if I believe I have experienced God. But that's the problem: Jesus Christ is not hegemonic, He does not want to dominate you. He wants...
  15. Simona1988

    Very concerned about Hebrews 10:26 (New Member)

    I experienced something similar last year, around this period of time. I won't say much, just that I fell crazy in love with Jesus Christ and took everything very seriously and when I less expected, but most needed, I felt God's presence (at church, during the Divine Liturgy, once the priest...
  16. Simona1988

    Cessationism vs. continuationism...does it make any difference?

    Maybe I'm more stupid than the rest of you but I would have liked a definition of the two words. Not all Christians hear the word 'continuationism' every day. Never mind, from the posts out here, I think I figured out what each term signifies. If continuationist mean that you believe the Holy...
  17. Simona1988

    Bits of the Good Friday's Lamentations

    Joseph together with Nicodemus took Thee down from the Tree, who clothest Thyself with light as with a garment. He gazed on Thy Body, dead, naked and unburied, and in grief and tender compassion he lamented: "Woe is me, my sweetest Jesus! A short while ago, the sun beheld Thee hanging on the...
  18. Simona1988

    Bits of the Good Friday's Lamentations

    The Noble Joseph The noble Joseph, when he had taken down Thy most pure body from the Tree, wrapped it in fine linen and anointed it with spices and placed it in a new* tomb. Come, Let us bless Joseph Come, let us bless Joseph of eternal memory, who came by night to Pilate and begged for the...
  19. Simona1988

    Bits of the Good Friday's Lamentations

    Every generation offers Thee its hymn of praise at Thy burial, O Christ. Look upon me and have mercy on me, according to the judgment of those who love Your name. The Arimathean took Thee down from the tree and laid Thee in a tomb. Direct my steps according to Your teaching and let no...
  20. Simona1988

    Bits of the Good Friday's Lamentations

    As You are crucified, the Temple veil is torn apart in two, and the lights of heaven hide themselves, as You, the Sun, are hidden underneath the earth. By Your will alone, You set the earth revolving on its course; now, as a mortal man, You sink beneath the earth. Let heaven shake and tremble...