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  1. Simona1988

    Bits of the Good Friday's Lamentations

    O Life, how can You die? How can you dwell in a tomb? Yet by Your death You have destroyed the reign of death and raised all the dead from hell. We magnify You, O Jesus our King. We worship Your passion and Your burial, for, by them, You have saved us from death. Jesus, Lord, King of all, You...
  2. Simona1988

    Bits of the Good Friday's Lamentations

    "Joseph of Arimathea took Thee down from the tree, The Life of all, cold in death. Bathing Thee with sweet and costly myrrh, he gently covered Thee with finest linen and with sorrow and tender love in his heart he embraced Thy most pure body. Trembling at this awesome sight he cried out to...
  3. Simona1988

    Bits of the Good Friday's Lamentations

    Today is a chilling day in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Is the day of the Holy and Saving Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. Good Friday is the only day of the year when the Divine Liturgy is not officiated, instead, is a day for vigil, prayer, sorrow (not a desperate kind of sorrow) and awe. I...
  4. Simona1988

    Horror lovers?

    Crappy or good, that's not the point. Art can house the demonic. Even genius art. So, the point is: does the art we consume, make us think about our life and death, about our Creator, or it makes us more depressed, more deepened in this world? The purpose of a Christian is to acquire the mind of...
  5. Simona1988

    Why did John the babtist started baptising?

    Start your own thread and I'll answer there.
  6. Simona1988

    Why did John the babtist started baptising?

    I believe in both a physical and spiritual kingdom. The physical being the Church on earth ('the fighting church), the spiritual being the Church on Heaven (the triumphant Church). I don't think differently than the Holy Fathers of the Church. In order to not deviate this thread from its...
  7. Simona1988

    Comment by 'Simona1988' in media '313116.jpg'

    This is an icon by Russian monk Andrei Rublev, painted around 1435. Rublev identified the three angels that visited Abraham and Sarah, with the Holy Trinity. So, he took an icon/image of the Old Testament and used that same image in order to express another spiritual reality: the Holy...
  8. Simona1988

    In the beginning something virtual happened

    I'm sure you had some other things in mind but I just like how your scientific approach agrees (without you wishing for it) with what's been on my mind the last two years: the Christian icon (the symbolic expression of the kingdom of God).
  9. Simona1988

    In the beginning something virtual happened

    So, there are two ways of seeing the world: from Satan's perspective (worldly way) and from God's perspective (with a repented, actually renewed mind - outwardly). 'Metanoia' means to aquire God's way of thinking and seeing. Saint Paul said something about receiving or waiting for the thought...
  10. Simona1988

    Any Of Y’all Got A Verse (or verses) For This?

    I'm curious what he said to hurt your feelings. Does he know you feel hurt? Did you consider talking to him about it? Some people may offend you without even realizing, others do it with malice; in this latter case, I would avoid their presence. However, if you go at the same church and partake...
  11. Simona1988

    Why did John the babtist started baptising?

    Jesus Christ even asked the Pharisees at one point 'What do you say of John's baptism: is it from God or from men?' and the Pharisees said among them 'If we say it is from God, than he'll ask why didn't we believe him? and if we say it is from men, we attract towards ourselves the fury of the...
  12. Simona1988

    Why did John the babtist started baptising?

    John the Baptist and the forerunner of Christ and His Kingdom prepares the Jews for the real baptism. I don't believe that he just woke up one day and said to himself 'what if I poured water over people's heads?', instead, he was a vessel of God ever since he was in his mother's womb, lived a...
  13. Simona1988

    SAD diet, or Standard American Diet

    Added sugar is the problem. I believe the excessive consumption of soy leads to over-production of estrogen. Juices. Even home-made fresh juices. I eat the fruits, not drink them.
  14. Simona1988

    The creation of Adam: art versus icon

    I agree with you. Maybe. I tend to believe it's not correct because nobody has seen God the Father. What basis do we have to portray Him? The greatest revelation we have of Him is in the man Jesus Christ. I associate the Ancient of Days with Jesus Christ. Thank you. Yes, very good...
  15. Simona1988

    The creation of Adam: art versus icon

    Lol! No! It's not eye laser. It's breath of life, from Christ's mouth to Adam's mouth. Do you think Rev. 1:14 describes the Father? I believe it describes the Son. Also, I believe the hair is white due to light, not due to the decrepitude of the old age. On the right. He wears red and blue...
  16. Simona1988

    The creation of Adam: art versus icon

    Why? Yes. Also, the icon painters do not consider themselves artists. In order to paint an icon one needs to be a good theologian, not a good artist. I see the Holy Trinity like this (maybe I'm mistaken): God the Father is the circle upon which Jesus Christ sits and the Holy Spirit is the...
  17. Simona1988

    Who Was Saint Patrick and Should Christians Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?

    Beautiful! Thank you! And yes, I believe Christians from Ireland should celebrate St. Patrick's day.
  18. Simona1988

    The creation of Adam: art versus icon

    Hi and thank you! I am not new here, I just couldn't remember my password because I haven't been active for almost three years; my older user is 'Guesswho'. God blowing into Adam's mouth is consistent with Genesis and with the entire recording/memory that humanity has about God: from the...