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  1. B

    How Can we Presume Ourselves to be Christian?

    Well have I got a verse for you? 1 Corinthians 11:19, "For there must needs be differences of opinions among you in order that those who are approved may have become evident among you." This means there were factions in the Corinthian church. Paul was not advocating factions, but in the sinful...
  2. B

    Working out : Your Salvation

    Context, context, context. Philippians 2:12 is one of the most misunderstood verses in the Bible. The Apostle Paul is definitely speaking to believers, but why? The answer is found at verses 2-4. "make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, INTENT...
  3. B

    Is God one or is He three?

    Very good question and I will explain why. In the preceding verses Jesus had just said the sheep are equally safe in His hand and in His Father's hand. The power of the Son is equal to that of the Father. Much more is implied that the Father and the Son are "one" in purpose. It's already a...
  4. B

    It is FINISHED.

    I have a question for you? Are you connected to or learning some of things you have said from any "Word of Faith" teachers? Like maybe Kenneth Copeland and others like him? Secondly, Your statement here: "]You don't know if they believed only and neither does the word of God state that." If...
  5. B

    What I believe summarized

    I went back and read your post #13 and now I see the problem your having. It's how you are understanding the words in the verses and misapplying a different meaning which has an affect on the context. You quoted Hebrews 1:4 and in the KJV the first two word are "Being made." It's easy to come...
  6. B

    What I believe summarized

    And your suppose to be a "Senior Member?" Instead your acting like a little kid. How do you know the operation of one's mind in that you can declare that you know the motives of what posters are thinking? Were trying to help him (in love I might add) and all you can do "instigate" the situation...
  7. B

    What I believe summarized

    First of all I am not doubting your "motives" nor your "sincerity." A person can be "sincere" and even "passionate" (and you should be) about what they believe, that does not mean you are right. Mormons, Jw's and other groups are sincere but wrong. Secondly, the second you said, "No man teaches...
  8. B

    What I believe summarized

    Then would kindly explain what kind of baptism you had in mind when you said the following? "This happens when the sinner is baptized in the name of the Father which will be followed by baptism in the name of the Son when He believes in the Father's plan for the forgivenesss of sins through...
  9. B

    What I believe summarized

    I noticed your point "F" is also in error. The plan of salvation has nothing to do with water baptism. One get's water baptized after they receive salvation by believing in Jesus Christ. The thief on the cross believed in Jesus Christ and Jesus told him he would be in Paradise with Jesus this...
  10. B

    What I believe summarized

    First of all I don't "rattle." This means I'm not afraid or scared of anything. I have been a Christian for almost 60 years now and I've heard it all. Moreover, the rest of your thread or points are "moot." This means if you have the wrong Jesus in the first place what sense does it make to...
  11. B

    What I believe summarized

    Well I'm sorry to say that a "rebuttal"" is in order based on what you stated here which is totally unbiblical. "The beginning starts when He forms another Spirit being ( possibly from His own essence) with his own mind, heart, and will. It is through this Spirit being that all things are...
  12. B

    How many people in the Bible saw an angel?

    That is correct at Genesis 21:15-19. It is interesting that the angel of the Lord calls out from heaven when God Himself calls out from heaven as well at Exodus 20:22. Check out Genesis 22:10-18 which is a real eye-opener. IN THE ANGEL OF THE LORD, bluto
  13. B

    How many people in the Bible saw an angel?

    Actually Sister your first entry at Genesis 16:7 was not an actual angel. It was the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ known in the Old Testament as "The angle of the Lord." At Genesis 16:10 he multiplies Hagar's descendants. You are right that he told Hagar that she would have a son which is what we...
  14. B

    Will people who miss the rapture have a chance to be saved?

    As I stated, you can't "assume" there is a rapture of the church. This is why I quoted Hebrews 9:28 which clearly states, "so Christ also having been offered once to bear the sins of many shall appear "A SECOND TIME" without sin unto salvation to those who eagerly await Him." So Chester, can...
  15. B

    Will people who miss the rapture have a chance to be saved?

    How do you know there is a rapture of the church in the first place? I'm only aware of a second coming after the great tribulation. Hebrews 9:28, "so Christ also, having been offered ONCE to bear the sins of many shall appear a SECOND TIME for salvation/deliverance without reference to sin, to...
  16. B

    Where are the prophecies of the Ukrainian invasion?

    Yea, I know, just like Wofer Keneth Copeland said that taking the covid vaccine is the mark of the beast? :rolleyes: Meanwhile he's asking for a whole lot of money to buy another very high dollar jet airplane so he can preach around the world faster? IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  17. B

    Where are the prophecies of the Ukrainian invasion?

    Well Jesus saw it coming. All you have to do is read Matthew 24, specifically vs 7, "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes." Verse 8, "But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs." IN GOD...
  18. B

    Where are the prophecies of the Ukrainian invasion?

    So does that mean Biden is a prophet? He also told us he will discontinue the Keystone pipeline, how is that prophecy working out for us? IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  19. B

    How do pre-tribbers explain the "saints" in Colossians 1?

    Got it, now I know your point. Here's another good question to ask the pre-tribbers who try to "jackhammer" their view on the following at 2 Thessalonians 1:1-10. Specifically starting at vs5, "This is a plain indication of God's righteous judgment so that you may be considered worthy of the...
  20. B

    How do pre-tribbers explain the "saints" in Colossians 1?

    Absolutely! I too am a post-tribulationist. IN GOD THE SON, bluto