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  1. B

    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    Oh boy? After reading all your post I find it necessary to explain the "birds and bees" to you as it pertains to Jesus Christ. To start off with the Trinitarian answer to your post is that Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, HAS NO BIOLOGICAL FATHER. God does not have "biology," that is to say...
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    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    Your the one that is having difficulty in answering simple and logical questions. You make statements and then when asked to reconcile those statements with the Bible you blame me. Again, The following is what you stated: " His actual personal utterances, were never heard even once by human...
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    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    The following is what you stated: " His actual personal utterances, were never heard even once by human beings in the Old Testament-- not one human being, not one time: not ever. He has, in fact, communicated with human beings via the speech of a mysterious being in the Old Testament known as...
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    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    Could you please explain who the speaker was at Exodus 20:22? "Then the Lord said to Moses, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, "You yourselves have seen that I have spoken to you from heaven." Also, who is the speaker in the New Testament at Mark 1:11? "and a voice came out of the...
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    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    It's called love. Look at it this way? The Bible is extremely clear that all human beings are sinners without one exception. Man was born with a sin nature we inherited from Adam and was passed down to every human being that has lived. To remedy this situation God became a human being to bring...
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    How do you reconcile the first Commandment with the trinity?

    The Bible is clear, (but not so clear to others) that there is only one God period. This one God chose to reveal Himself in Scripture as three distinct persons, not three gods, not three beings of god, not three separate beings of god either. Furthermore, the doctrine of the trinity is not an...
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    It Is Important To Worship The Only True And Living GOD

    First of all I did not mention anything about "Judaizers" and worse. Secondly, there's a big difference between "judging" others and "warning" others about false teachings. The Apostle Paul made this clear at a number of places in the New Testament. He even named names. One place was at Acts...
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    It Is Important To Worship The Only True And Living GOD

    Yes, I do know you! My "trick knee," (my gift of discernment) knew something was amiss based on your obfuscation of your answers to direct questions. Brother ResidentAlien just confirmed it for me. And yes, I am well familiar with Armstrong's beliefs. He stated the Trinity is a satanic teaching...
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    It Is Important To Worship The Only True And Living GOD

    Why can't you explain it to me? There"s 50 websites to look at, which one would you pick? I ask because some of them disagree with each other. Remember I said to read the context of John 10:30 which is the whole chapter. This is how you learn. You quote verses everyday for everyone's benefit...
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    It Is Important To Worship The Only True And Living GOD

    So just to be clear since you quoted John 10:30, how are the Father and the Son one according to the context of the verse? In what respect are the one? In Him, bluto
  11. B

    It Is Important To Worship The Only True And Living GOD

    A while back there has been some controversy about what you believe. I'm not sure what it was about so I want to ask you a question especially in view of what your posting here about the only true God. Do you believe Jesus Christ is the true God along with His Father because they have the exact...
  12. B

    The Trinity.

    All of this is excellent Biblical proof/evidence that John 1:1 points to two distinct persons identified as God. Moreover, (and this is NOT" a knock) I think it would have been instructive to mention at Malachi 3:1, the part that says, "and the messenger of the covenant,, in whom you delight."...
  13. B

    The Trinity.

    Blah blah blah. I gave you the extremely plain words of Thomas and you reject them out of hand because you think his declaration of him saying, "My Lord and my God" some how overturn the plain words of Jesus saying the Father is the only true God. Why does it escape your notice that to Thomas...
  14. B

    The Trinity.

    All I did was ask about the two Exodus verses you quoted. I give you 2 Timothy 2:24, "And the Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged." At this rate you won't have anyone to talk with. :eek: So again, please tell me what the Exodus...
  15. B

    The Trinity.

    What does Exodus 23:20-23 and Exodus 24:9-11 have to do with anything? IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  16. B

    The Trinity.

    Alright then, will you stand before Jesus Christ on judgement day on the plain words of Thomas when he stated to Jesus Christ, "My Lord and my God?" Please reconcile this apparent contradiction with what you stated. And by the way, guess who your going to stand before? Philippians 2:10-11...
  17. B

    The Trinity.

    Oh the "hypocrisy." Why do you keep quoting others if you do not need any teachers? IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  18. B

    The Trinity.

    I did address you question but you did not address mine. So let me try it this way. At John 20:28 Thomas makes this statement to Jesus Christ Himself, "My Lord and my God." He literally says in the Greek, "The Lord of me and the God of me." Are these "plain" word of Thomas true? IN GOD THE SON...
  19. B

    The Trinity.

    My answer still stands! It depends on whether or not one believes Jesus is God in nature (John 10:30) or He is not God in function. Please read Philippians 2:5-8. Do you personally believe Jesus Christ is God in nature or essence? The verse your quoting (John 17:3) is the one that states "the...
  20. B

    The Trinity.

    That depends on what you mean by the Son "ontologically" speaking or "positionally" speaking? Can you please explain the difference? Also, and I have heard your argument for decades in the form of 1 John 2:27, you know, the part that says, "And as for you, the anointing which you received from...