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    Is Baptism necessary for Salvation?

    I think you are going in the wrong direction. We should be restoring the practice of baptizing people in water the same day they repent and confess faith in Christ instead of putting it off for a future date. The New Testament knows nothing about a concept of not baptizing new converts until...
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    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    There is none righteous, no, not one. They all failed and needed redemption. Even if their failures are not recorded in scripture.
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    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    1) I already said it was not a sin to drink wine if you didn't get intoxicated. 2) They did not have the choices we have today. Diluted wine was the better choice. 3) They accused Jesus of over indulgence not because they witnessed him over indulging, but because he shared table fellowship...
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    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    I don't think it is a sin for a person to drink a glass of wine with a meal if that's all they do and they are not trying to get a buzz and don't get one. But I don't think it is good for them. Do a survey. Ask anyone who believes it is ok to drink a glass of wine with a meal as long as...
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    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    Every single one of them. And us.
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    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    I repeat. No amount of alcohol is good for you. This is a scientific fact. Google. "No amount of alcohol is good for you" and read about Acetaldehyde. There may be benefits from a glass of wine but it is not the alcohol part that helps your organs. All of the verses you mentioned can...
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    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    I can give my best guess. I can't prove it. I think that Noah did not have experience with fermentation. I think he did not see it coming. I don't think he was trying to get drunk. Ham went and told his brothers about his sin instead of covering him up. The lesson being that we need to...
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    Single Men's Take on Marriage in Our Modern World

    Yes, I am sure there are great marriages and happy couples. I was just giving my "Single Men's Take on Marriage in Our Modern World" that he asked for. When one is married they should be focused on all the positive things about marriage and family and all that. They should not even be...
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    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    Alcohol has been a destructive force in the history of mankind since Noah got drunk. The last two major preacher scandals that made headlines there was alcohol involved. It's not a doctrine of total abstinence that we need. It is simply observing life and realizing that there is nothing...
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    Single Men's Take on Marriage in Our Modern World

    I prefer the single, celibate, stress free life of not having to share my space with anyone. I don't think there is anything about marriage that is worth giving up the tremendous joy of an autonomous life where all your free time is yours to enjoy. The constant feeling of being on vacation...
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    apostleship of Paul

    But considered it all dung...
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    Where are Our Prophets

    Your original post and question seemed to be about the prophets and gift of prophesy as mentioned in Acts and taught by Paul. These gifts operate in Charismatic churches. They are handled correctly by those that are mature in the sense that they have learned from Paul's teachings and the New...
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    Where are Our Prophets

    I think his question was about NT prophets like what you can read about in Acts.
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    apostleship of Paul

    Saul is Hebrew. Paul is Greek. Same name. People are making up things about Paul being post conversion name. James did not contradict Paul. James was responding to people who misunderstood Paul. James said exactly what Paul meant. James words are there because God knew there would be...
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    Where are Our Prophets

    There are so many churches that allow the gifts to operate including prophesy. Just Google "Assemblies of God near me" or "Charismatic church near me" Then start visiting them. I think you will discover that the majority of active churches in most communities today are Charismatic in faith...
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    Is The Word Of God Inconsistent?

    Read this in context Luke 17 Notice things like ..."29But on the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyeda them all. " And also...On that day, a man on the housetop, whose belongings are in the house, must not come down to get them. Why must he not turn back to...
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    Is The Word Of God Inconsistent?

    If he would have been speaking to me, I would have graciously pointed to the context of the Lord's teaching itself and shown him how that in both cases Noah was taken in salvation from judgment that came upon those who were left and Lot was taken out of Sodom (literally taken by the arm because...
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    Ephesians 4:30 What does it mean?

    Well I hope that means you believe it. LOL :)
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    Ephesians 4:30 What does it mean?

    29No foul language should come from your mouth, but only what is good for building up someone in need, so that it gives grace to those who hear. 30And don’t grieve God’s Holy Spirit. You were sealed by him for the day of redemption. 31Let all bitterness, anger and wrath, shouting and slander be...
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    Did Jesus drink alcohol?

    I think we are supposed to ascertain authorial intent when we read scripture. If we read from documents from the time and older, that they had been telling people not to drink the water but a little wine instead then we could know that Paul's instructions to Timothy were common knowledge...