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  1. K

    I don't understand

  2. K

    I don't understand

    I take from what you say that calvinism does not really follow the bible, the bible says that all that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. but then you read the parable of the sower some fall on rocky ground and never grow, never get saved other fall in the weeds they grow but get...
  3. K

    I don't understand

    I do not believe the pool shot so I guess I am not a calvinist I just want to be a christian
  4. K

    I don't understand

    OK I got born again so I am one of Gods elect
  5. K

    Why are we quiet

    That is a big IF
  6. K

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I hope you are being sarcastic; but if you are not I hate to burst your bubble there is no eternal security . When we sin and we all do and don't ask for forgiveness yes we can fall out of grace. God will never leave us or forsake us but we can leave and forsake him,
  7. K

    Are we in the end times ?

    So true. Vert good advise
  8. K

    Why are we quiet

    A All that is true but we as Christians for far to long have let false teaching, the doctrine of men rather than the Word of God set the standers of our churches. Race has nothing to do with this it is not a black white thing it is a good vs evil thing and we as the body of Christ have the...
  9. K

    Why are we quiet

    We as the body of Christ have gone to sleep, We have not stood up for what the bible says, How many churches today preach or teach Jesus of the bible.
  10. K

    Why are we quiet

    It is the times we live in. Come Jesus Come
  11. K

    Why are we quiet

    The world is falling apart. Jesus told us it would in Matthew 24 which I have written about. Why are Christians not united in the Spirit of God to stand against the evil, the open disregard for what the bible, with God, and just good human decency says. Teaching transgender, guy, lesbian and...
  12. K

    Matthew 10

    WOOOO that is really good I like the way you put in the verses. This the type of studding I have been trying to do but not sure if I have it right. I hope you will keep in touch with me and if I go off track get back on the right path. I do have questions but I will try and answer them before I...
  13. K


    What do you mean by the distant past. I thought Matthew 24 was talking future. The deciples asked when will this be? Please explain where I have gone wrong. Thwnks KenA
  14. K

    I don't understand

    Thanks I will pick up the book of John. I will finish Matthew without any more posts and then pick up John. KenA
  15. K

    Matthew 24 part 2

    Matthew 24 part 2 Verse 16. Then let them that are in Judea flee into the mountains. Get away from the city, run for the mountains, hills. Verse 17. Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: If the people in Judea ore told to flee to the mountains...
  16. K


    You might be right. We can find a chat room anywhere I came here because I am new, I am looking for input on what I am learning is right, is it wrong, is there a better way of doing it. I was surprised at what I found. I will ask you the question that Matthew asks all christians: Do you...
  17. K


    I was really excited today when I made my post on Matthew and I was hoping to get some feedback. Please let you what you think is right and what I might have missed the mark on. I know I just posted it a few hours ago. I am looking for interaction on what verses and passages mean. How what is...
  18. K

    I don't understand

    I would like to know more about these fallen angles if you have time to post it. As for Calvinist and Aminian's I don't anything about them and really don't, I want to be a Christian first foremost and forever.
  19. K

    I don't understand

    OK sounds good.