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  1. K

    Why are we quiet

    Can your Pastor explain it to you
  2. K

    Why are we quiet

    you might want to start suturing things up a bit in your church. Ask the pastor to explain Mark 13:14 Jesus did say let the reader understand it
  3. K

    Why are we quiet

    This was never to be about politics; It is all about the lack of knowledge and the lack of teaching that goes on in our churches, temples, homes. etc. It is time to wake up the famine of the end times is not for food but the hearing of Gods word. People are out in the wilderness and lost and...
  4. K

    Why are we quiet

    Y You are right the problem lies with the lack of teaching Gods word. The lack of raising up the people to understand and tackle this problem. The buck stops at the feet of the Shepard. A good Shepard leads his flock to good green pastor where they can grow, get strong reproduce and keep the...
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    Why are we quiet

    Marilyn I have some Questions about your time line. The nations yes they have been her and always will be here God said they were good very good on the 6th day. Israel do you take that to mean the 12 tribes or just Juda and Benjerman which make up the house of Juda which were in Jerusalem when...
  6. K

    Why are we quiet

    Amen and Amen
  7. K

    Why are we quiet

    I agree with you and in my post I should have been a little more pointed. The church needs to stand up but the point I was real trying to get to is the fact that most of the churches don't teach Gods word if they did they would be standing up against this. They would also have a fire within for...
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    Why are we quiet

    Oblio My point exactly . This is what God has to say about the end ,times Isaiah 3:4 And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them. 5And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly...
  9. K

    Why are we quiet

    As I just told Marilyn I have to dig into that. I am not sure I will have to give John Ray a call
  10. K

    Why are we quiet

    I have to dig into that one. That is something new to me.
  11. K

    Why are we quiet

    That is true.
  12. K

    Why are we quiet

    You misunderstood what I was talking about. I thank the time some big revival has come and gone. Yes you and I and everyone else are witness. I am talking about Revelation 11:3-12 And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God...
  13. K

    Why are we quiet

    Lanolin and Blaim You are right one person standing on the street corner is not going to work, parent's and others have to get involved but I lay a lot of the blame at the feet of the church The jog of a Pastor is to lead his flock to good pasture. As I said to someone else I am sure there are...
  14. K

    Why are we quiet

    I thank just the opposite I am looking for the 2 witness to show up in Jerusalem
  15. K

    Why are we quiet

    JAPOV I do agree with you that the church as a whole there are some good ones out there I just have not found one within 50 miles from my house. It is not just the Democrats that have turned their backs on God and it should never be a black white Etc. thing we are all Gods children. I was...
  16. K

    Why are we quiet

    I do believe that the church is not doing it's job on either. The church is more worried about butting people in the seats and passing the plate than Gods word and they are not speaking out against what is happing in our world today.
  17. K

    I don't understand

    I like that " Until God opens the next door, praise Him in the hallway
  18. K

    I don't understand

    So true, So true
  19. K

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I agree if I make a mistake I just have to ask for forgiveness and try harder the next. I am not perfect but I do try my best to please God in all that I do.
  20. K

    I don't understand

    I don't want to play a game of chance either