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  1. Seeker47

    Anyone here ride a motorcycle?

    I used to ride, a lot. I quit a few years ago. There are too many distracted drivers texting and talking on their phones. I hung it up after several close calls and one minor accident with an idiot.
  2. Seeker47

    God doesn’t want you to share your struggles

    When did sharing our struggles with our brothers and sisters become complaining?
  3. Seeker47


    I stand by what I said. Discussions about the origins of some of the man made Holy Days is a separate issue. Having a pure heart is the issue.
  4. Seeker47


    No part of the God ordained biblical feasts negates or detracts from our celebrating Jesus birth into this world. I too join to celebrate that occasion with joy. All prayers given with a pure heart are valid and meaningful. God allows his people to worship him pretty much as we like as long...
  5. Seeker47


    Thank you for the information. Honestly, I am less concerned with keeping the exact day, however it may be calculated, than keeping the feast days in spirit ad truth. I will spend some time researching your very informative post. Thank you!
  6. Seeker47


    My fondest memories of October involve evening hay rides, wearing heavy coats and gloves from the cold. Snuggling down into the hay with the love of my life....absolute pure magic! And then she married me 56 years ago this week. Yeah, I would say October is my favorite month too!
  7. Seeker47

    Ravi Zachariah

    I was not aware of this...I find it terribly sad...
  8. Seeker47


    I love October too, but I'm not sure about the picnic.:D
  9. Seeker47

    Bible flexing?

    Thanks for the laugh....
  10. Seeker47


    I am no expert. My mother had glaucoma for many years. In her case it was discovered early and it was easily controlled with simple eye drops. These things can be a little frightening. Keep tight hold of your imagination for a while and trust.
  11. Seeker47


    ...didn't change my mind.
  12. Seeker47


    October 12th is a biblically ordained feast day. It is the Day of Atonement or Yum Kippur. (See Leviticus 16). Included in the requirements God gave His people, are instructions for atonement, not only for personal and family sins, but also instructions for the forgiveness of the nation...
  13. Seeker47

    Bible flexing?

    Jacko, I totally agree with your OP and your definition of Bible Flexing. It's OK and I am not condemning the practice, I have occasionally done it myself. But normally I try to avoid quotes. My all-time favorite Christian apologist, C.S. Lewis, rarely used quotes to prove his points. It...
  14. Seeker47


    That is a beautiful poem, you have a gift. Thank you for sharing.
  15. Seeker47

    I am struggling

    I am no expert on "Replacement Theology" but I may be able to answer some of your questions. Jesus Yeshua is absolutely not "Replacement Theology" and is the only savior/redeemer for EVERYONE, there is no other. God told Abraham that his descendants would be "...a blessing for all peoples on...
  16. Seeker47

    Pray for the People Israel

    May I add; we also need to pray for the innocent people of Gaza. These people overwhelmingly elected Hamas to govern them and some of them kidnapped and assisted the kidnapping and murder of Israelis. The majority may still support then yet are surely many innocent victims of this terrorist...
  17. Seeker47

    Pray for the People Israel

    You appear to be making a statement rather than asking a question. The answer is no. A Christian always has free choice. You can actually pick and chose what parts of the bible you believe and reject all the rest. Many Christians do just that. I do not support all the actions of the nation...
  18. Seeker47

    I am struggling

    I am struggling with an issue that concerns me greatly. Perhaps someone here on CC can give me wise council. Th nation of Israel is right now engaged in a struggle for existence. It is fighting a war against seven named enemies, all sworn to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth. They...
  19. Seeker47

    Pray for the People Israel

    Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Those who accept Jesus Christ are all the People Israel.
  20. Seeker47

    Hey .

    I think most of us have felt (feel) like imposters at times, you are not alone. Many years ago I had a dear friend who was in recovery, yet still found it very difficult at times to remain sober. He taught me one of the most important lessons I have ever learned. "Fake it 'till you make it."...