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  1. Seeker47


    I live near Delphi, Indiana where two young girls were brutally murdered by a human animal. The jury just convicted the accused on all counts for committing these murders. They are now arguing over appeals and how many years this human garbage should serve in Prison. This is NOT justice. And...
  2. Seeker47

    Isaiah 54:1-55:5 and 1 Peter 3:18-22

    I can hardly imagine what the world would be if that passage was understood...
  3. Seeker47

    Isaiah 54:1-55:5 and 1 Peter 3:18-22

    I recently read this quote by Mark Twain: "If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one quarter of one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has...
  4. Seeker47

    We must never forget

    I am deeply disappointed and saddened by this thread.
  5. Seeker47

    We must never forget

    Weckert is a well know Holocaust denier who's highly speculative works have been discredited. The theory that Jews staged Kristallnacht to embarrass Germany is preposterous on its face. Anti-Jewish sentiment was already firmly established in Germany and throughout Europe before 1938.
  6. Seeker47

    We must never forget

    87 years ago tonight was Kristallnacht in Germany. It was the beginning of open antisemitism that started the path to the holocaust. May YHWH have mercy on us if we ever forget.
  7. Seeker47

    Why are Jews so wealthy in the USA

    Saying all Jews in the US are wealthy may not be fully accurate. That being said, there are historical precedents that lead to their success in certain professions. After the fourth century, people identified as "Jews" were barred from many common professions. This included being banned from...
  8. Seeker47

    Church vote?

    We were not created to be reeds blowing in the wind. We were given the power of choice by our Creator. We are then held accountable for those choices, both earthly and spiritual consequences. Chose wisely. There were significant choices to be made in this election. life, and the defense of...
  9. Seeker47

    How does or has the Holy Spirit speak to you?

    This has been my experience: The one time in my life that God spoke directly to me was like getting hit by a tsunami. It was totally overpowering, there was no doubt who was speaking and obedience was not an issue, only obedience. The Holy Spirit has always been a quiet, yet unmistakable...
  10. Seeker47


    I am a little envious of your experience. That sounds like a wonderful experience. Here in the "Bible Belt" just speaking about the Feast Days tends to get you shunned.
  11. Seeker47

    Various Moral Issues

    Is there a connection? Do modern people, finding themselves further and further alienated from their true natures, turn to pets to satisfy some deeper longing? Put another way; does the explosive growth of pets in the western world indicate a vein attempt to overcome a growing sense of...
  12. Seeker47

    Various Moral Issues

    First, define terms. When discussing this issue I prefer the term "Convenience Abortion". This is the most common kind, as opposed to abortions for health reasons or abortions from rape, incest, etc. The baby is killed because it is inconvenient to one or both parents. The bible speaks very...
  13. Seeker47

    US Government "Leak"

    The recent "leak" of the Israeli battle plans to Iran by the US military is both shocking and serious. Supporting the enemies of God's People is a personal sin. God says this is also potentially, a fatal national sin. God's intentions for dealing with such nations is perfectly clear and it...
  14. Seeker47

    Please, recite another Bible Verse

    From the Book of Revelation: A second angel followed and said, “‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great,’ which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.” God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath. Then I heard...
  15. Seeker47

    I am struggling

    Two thoughts. First, Israel has always been occupied by God's People. A remnant never left. Second, I can leave my house for a while but it still remains my house. God gave the land of Israel to His people forever. I don't know how it all will work. My personal belief is that the Israel is...
  16. Seeker47

    I am struggling

    I disagree with just about everything you have posted here both theologically and biblically. The only reason God chose a particular people; Hebrews, to live forever in a particular land; Israel, is to bring salvation to the gentiles.
  17. Seeker47


    I would just add one additional thing, in a "Kingdom" as well as a "Democracy" there remains free choice. For example, in both a democracy and a kingdom transgenderism can be the rule of law. In both systems the "subjects" can accept this idea or eject it entirely. There will be consequences...
  18. Seeker47


    A republic, such as the USA, is founded on the principal that our rulers are answerable to the will of the people. We do have a "King" who can act independently, but within boundaries. His actions are counterbalanced. Even during the times when Kings had absolute power. God did not allow his...
  19. Seeker47


    October 16th is the traditional biblical Feast of Sukkot. It is the last and the most joyous celebration of all God’s Feasts. The earlier feasts celebrate our redemption through the blood of Christ (Passover), his sinless and perfect nature (Unleavened Bread), and his resurrection from the...
  20. Seeker47

    I am struggling

    Yes! Yes! Well said brother!