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  1. L

    The new Woke movement

    Carnal issues are of the world. Spiritual issues are of God. Those who increase in knowledge, understand that the unjust world is carnal, and thereby will choose spiritual truth over the unjust carnal world.
  2. L

    The new Woke movement

    Those whose knowledge increases during the end times is in regards to truth, and not about some unenlightened individuals who believe in carnal perspectives in the world. Something like a gay pride march or agenda I do not recognize as an increase in knowledge in truth, and therefore is not a...
  3. L

    The new Woke movement

    People are waking to the fact that those in power, and those on high in industry, could not care less about the environment being destroyed by their excessive use of fossil fuels, if it means their making less money. For this love of money, those on high in industry, along with the kings of the...
  4. L

    The new Woke movement

    The twisted ideology from the Q Anon faction and other conspiracy theories is not associated with the peoples throughout the world who are crying out against all the injustices they and others are experiencing. The definition of being awake (Woke) is to be aware of some truth. To classify those...
  5. L

    The new Woke movement

    Lucy, the world's governments promote what the people want to hear, and then do the opposite. The world's governments since the Kyoto protocol in 1998, have all been saying that they will do this and that in order to mitigate climate warming from fossil fuel use. The only result has been an...
  6. L

    The new Woke movement

    The Lord gives us numerous examples of the injustices caused by the love mankind has for the works his hands produce. Revelation 9:21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. Revelation 18:23 And the light of a candle...
  7. L

    The new Woke movement

    By claiming the Woke movement who around the world are crying out for the numerous injustices occurring to themselves and others as leftist ideologists, you are in effect taking sides with transgressors like Bolsonaro in Brazil who is murdering indigenous natives throughout the Amazon so that...
  8. L

    The new Woke movement

    I read the bible, and therefore I correlate data from one book with another book that describe the same series of events occurring at the same end of times period. I then post these scriptures to support my claims. I don't see anyone else stitching these end times scriptures describing the same...
  9. L

    The new Woke movement

    While the world is overall run by the Lord; man's choice in the garden to believe the devil rather than God, has placed the devil in charge of this (the devils) decaying world.
  10. L

    The new Woke movement

    There are many groups in the woke movement throughout the world today who are recognizing injustices. You first describe one faction here in the U.S. representing the whole of the Woke movement, and claim them racist, hateful, who attack those who are like minded. You then move to the global...
  11. L

    The new Woke movement

    Hi John146, I understand your position, believing in a pre trib rapture. I, however, am of the position that there is no pre trib rapture, and that the saints will be around when the little horn/the Antichrist in alliance with the ten horned beast, wears out the saints (Daniel 7:25), and...
  12. L

    The new Woke movement

    My explanation for increasing knowledge in Daniel 12:4 during the end times I feel correlates with people around the world today waking to the truth about many of the lies they have been living under through their governments and those on high. If you think otherwise, then provide an explanation...
  13. L

    The new Woke movement

    Joking about what? You have to be a little more explicit.
  14. L

    The new Woke movement

    While I can agree with you to some degree on what you state; this still is somewhat off topic, as to the true knowledge that will increase as people wake from the current increasing darkness, which is due to the love mankind has for the things his hands produce, and that is causing all manner of...
  15. L

    The new Woke movement

    Being born again is off topic. Those being sealed with Gods seal of truth in Revelation 7, immediately precedes the destruction to one third of earth's environmental resources in Revelation 8, which the Lord attributes in Revelation 9:20, to the love mankind has for the things his hands produce...
  16. L

    The new Woke movement

    Off topic.
  17. L

    The new Woke movement

    The politicians and the industrialists are all very well aware of the truth. They simply reject the truth as 2 Thessalonians 2:9-13 explains they prefer to accept and believe in a lie so that they may take pleasure in unrighteousness, that is the world today. The poor and downtrodden are not...
  18. L

    The new Woke movement

    In my opening post, I had a small excerpt from Fox news which partially explained how the Black live matter movement was assimilated to become part of the Woke movement, which throughout the world is mostly about the injustices being carried out by the world's governments throughout the world...
  19. L

    The new Woke movement

    what you are talking about is mass deception. Where do you live I mean what country? I live here in the U.S., and my accepting knowledge about how our environment is being destroyed from fossil fuel use is truth, and not deception. Who do you think those are in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 who...
  20. L

    The new Woke movement

    The earth and its elements melting with fervent heat in 2 Peter 3:10 correlates with when Satan is freed from his prison at the end of the millennium, at which point he musters up the faithless throughout the world to contend with the faithful in New Jerusalem, at which point the Lord rains fire...