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  1. Reborn

    The TYRANNY of COVID-19 masks

    My apologies but lm being dead serious when l ask...who is to be trusted? Maybe you can point me towards a credible source on exactly what this virus does, is, works,. kids, ? pets...older people who wear flannel? Somehow babies between the ages of 13 months and 13.5 months are...
  2. Reborn

    The TYRANNY of COVID-19 masks

    I was holding back. I just returned to CC and didn’t wanna go straight for the “Doom and Gloom, Boom I’m in the Room to Consume” feel to my posts .......yet. Maybe tomorrow. 🤔 But yes, simply put...the masks are the start or something most do not want to hear or think about. Its bad. 😢 But...
  3. Reborn

    Not By Works

    I’ve been away for a couple bare with me. I return to the most powerful thread in the history of threads...still going? 3.5 yrs in the making. 10.6 million views. Any closer to a common ground answer? Does this thread officially have health benefits for being on the job for 3+ yrs...
  4. Reborn

    The TYRANNY of COVID-19 masks

    Embrace it? I stroll into Walmart looking like this.... Yes, I may scare the occasional kid or grandma 🥺 Yes, Once in awhile l have to “ put my hands up and slowly get down on the floor...“ but if we have to do it....why not do it with some style? Seriousness now: does worry me a...
  5. Reborn

    Encourage vs attack

    Hmmm. My apologies. Maybe l should learn how to read? Tell did you come to the states just awhile back ...and somehow I’m behind/need to learn English a little better so l can keep up with you? 😂 Well said, btw. Man, l just became the guy that dished the unwanted advice. 😢 Im gonna...
  6. Reborn

    Amen. And thank you for the kind words, Sir. I often think of people here too. Always wondering...

    Amen. And thank you for the kind words, Sir. I often think of people here too. Always wondering how you and your lovely wife are doing. My path hasn’t been easy by any means, but I’ve seem to have found an amazing light amongst all the darkness going on. Not sure how long I’ll be around CC...
  7. Reborn

    Encourage vs attack

    Indeed, my dear friend. You do you. You stated that you have wanted to chime in but may have held back due to fear of ridicule, or an attack from those who seem to like to...well, attack others all the time? I respect that. l understand that not everyone feels compelled to stand up or dive in...
  8. Reborn

    Encourage vs attack

    Hit that like button, SW. Do it. Standing up for others, what we feel is right and what we truly believe may be the only thing that is 100% us. We own that. It will never go away and will most likely pick at us when we are alone with our thoughts. IMO, letting others get to us or dictate our...
  9. Reborn

    Born into the wrong family?

    Dig the thought. How do you define “perfect” tho? Lets say... perfect=normal? normal= tv show standards for a family or a just a loving supportive family? traditions=normal? The world is a huge place. Many, many different definitions of what “a perfect family” means. I think it’s safe to say...
  10. Reborn

    Hello, Sir Been a few years? The journey l was on was well worth it. Hope all is well with you...

    Hello, Sir Been a few years? The journey l was on was well worth it. Hope all is well with you and the wife. God Bless
  11. Reborn

    Due to the Virus.....

    Due to this virus... (you know this one) we are at a point in history where we have to go get checked, tested, double checked and officially confirmed by specialists, doctors, librarians, COVID Analysts, Amazon delivery guys... ...that we even have the virus? Weird. I may be showing my age by...
  12. Reborn


    Neil deGrasse Tyson: astrophysicist, cosmologist, planetary scientist, author, and science communicator. Rocker of the flat top do....Quite arguably the most trusted and respected space dude alive. ...has been quoted as saying “The earth is actually shaped like a pear” (you can find this on...
  13. Reborn

    Why Your Christian Friends and Family Members Are So Easily Fooled by Conspiracy Theories

    Does this apply to all conspiracy theories? ...or just the ones that are the truth? 🤔 (I apologize for not reading over it, I was caught up reading this fascinating article written by this alien who believes that the Titanic didn’t really sink...but...get this....landed on the moon!?.)...
  14. Reborn

    What is your earliest memory?

    Hey, Mel. Its been 2 yrs, l believe? My overall return has been grossly exaggerated, overhyped, unnecessary and probably not wanted. Kinda like Terminator 6 ( or whatever # sequel came out today)
  15. Reborn

    What’s a “trophy point”? Is the get trophies?

    What’s a “trophy point”? Is the get trophies?
  16. Reborn

    What is your earliest memory?

    I remember brightly colored cereal boxes with lame cheap plastic toys. Saturday morning cartoons. Forts made of ugly polyester couch cushions and tattered blankets, (convincing my little Bro to hold up a corner of the fort the entire time l played -reassuring him “everyone has their part on...
  17. Reborn

    You were probably confused as to what/how to do it? :) (Kinda like This place...

    You were probably confused as to what/how to do it? :) (Kinda like This place has changed so much and l feel as tho if l attempt to navigate the new waters (to us old forum people)... l might have Titanic-like luck. :0 ) Is there an actual app for CC now? Like a...
  18. Reborn

    Nice avatar. ;)

    Nice avatar. ;)
  19. Reborn

    If l write something in this box, where does it go/ post / show up? A space station? In a...

    If l write something in this box, where does it go/ post / show up? A space station? In a Lithuanian bakery under a freshly baked batch of bear claws? It seems like it would get lost? New layout is confusing. I'm not sure if l'm still typing on CC right now or if I'm logged into my Google+...
  20. Reborn

    SW, Sorry, IDK anything about this new layout. I haven't posted in almost a yr. I've logged in...

    SW, Sorry, IDK anything about this new layout. I haven't posted in almost a yr. I've logged in a handful of times since they switched over, but it's confusing and really difficult to navigate via a smartphone. All my peeps seem to be gone, so...maybe I'll return one day in the future. I'll...