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  1. Reborn

    Speak Your Mind.

    Hey. This is a real show. They never cleared the title with me.:mad:
  2. Reborn

    Speak Your Mind.

    I agree. Heres an old pic of me hanging out of my car. My stache has grown in a bit more, since this was taken.
  3. Reborn

    Favorite Paintings to Share Past n Present

    I really like how his fingers are positioned, and that he's searching mutiple pages here.
  4. Reborn


    Here's a typical day in Vegas. My pic wouldn't upload, but this is how it looks almost everyday. Chemtrails....ahh...beautiful, right? At least they get creative with the patterns. :(
  5. Reborn


  6. Reborn

    Your reccomendations for a laptop, you have any?

    Go with this. Awesome, right? Might be a pain to carry around though......?:) A joke that never gets old.
  7. Reborn

    THE NEEDY PILGRIM INN Welcomes All Weary Travellers! (No Debate Thread!)

    This is how I usually feel, SK. :(
  8. Reborn


    My backyard will look something like this.
  9. Reborn

    Behemoth & Leviathan

    Pre Flood maybe? There were giants of that a dinosaur wouldn't be too large to some. No, Noah's story doesn't mention taking these animals on the Ark.......maybe for a reason? IDK?....this is an interesting view..... Logically....? The dinosaurs with longer necks, tend to be found...
  10. Reborn

    THE NEEDY PILGRIM INN Welcomes All Weary Travellers! (No Debate Thread!)

    Hey SW, I was once into, I've decided....I want a house like the kinds you have in Serbia.:D How cool is this?......Out on top of rocks?.....Middle of lakes? Epic.:cool:
  11. Reborn

    a NEW Post to post about the post

    MY POST.:p
  12. Reborn

    THE NEEDY PILGRIM INN Welcomes All Weary Travellers! (No Debate Thread!)

    I'm sorry Ellie. Think....... Mr. Miyagi doing that weird neck cracky thingy on Daniel.:D It relaxed him. Just don't try the "wax on" / "wax off" technique.....hasn't been given the stamp of approval by martial arts experts yet.:(
  13. Reborn

    THE NEEDY PILGRIM INN Welcomes All Weary Travellers! (No Debate Thread!)

    Not to take away from Ellie's beautiful song that she posted.... ......but I thought you might enjoy this too? ...It's a picture of some Cheetos. Always cheers me up.:D
  14. Reborn

    Favorite Verse From A "Never Gets Quoted" Book In The Bible?

    We all quote the popular ones, Psalms, Proverbs, Matthew, Luke, Revelation. These are some of every Christian's 'go to books' for a proper debate. When is the last time you saw someone quote or post from Nahum?......or Titus? They are obviously there in the Bible for a reason, but do we look...
  15. Reborn

    The Kingdom of Heaven/God Is?

    This pertains to a question on another post, that got me thinking, and talking to a few via PM. What does the Kingdom of Heaven / Kingdom of God / and just simply the word Heaven, each mean, when they are used in the Bible? Going through hundreds of past posts/ Google search, there seems to be...
  16. Reborn


    Fellowship is good.:) I changed my mind.
  17. Reborn

    I evolved from snowflakes

    The snowman has troubles of their own.
  18. Reborn

    Did Jesus Joke Around or Laugh?

    Normally instead of coming out guns blazing, I normally break the ice with a joke. There is a movie or two out there the portrays Jesus as having a sense of humor.... So did He? This issue was sort of brought up on DCon's "all agree" thread and I wanted to ask this anyway a few days back. I...
  19. Reborn

    The Avatar Dilemma

    crossnote- what are the odds of actually finding a note (although musical) and a cross? Would never expect one to use it, but....
  20. Reborn

    The Avatar Dilemma

    It can be funny.......but not to offensive? Psychomom.......umm, how I imagine your kids reacting? or literal? elf3 or because you have nothing clever to say.... SoulWeaver....nothing clever...she justs seems to like Anime?:D