Yes I am in favor to keep it. New Christians need to know they have eternal salvation through no "works" of their own. God Almighty Creator has handled it all. The only "works" they should be doing is to further the kingdom of God and to be the servants of Jesus Christ.
Work, work, work, keep, keep, keep. Praise God Almighty for His infinite mercy and grace. He has done the work, I have accepted and turned my whole self over to Him.
I'm so thankful that God has saved my filthy soul through my trust in His Son Jesus Christ and that I have eternal salvation because of His Grace. Praise God from whom All blessings flow.
For any of you who believe you have to work to "keep" your salvation, don't you know that to God Almighty our works are as filthy rags. You can work from now til kingdom come and you will NOT be able to save yourself nor keep something which God Himself has already give to you. SMH
There are many verses in scripture other than what I posted which gives me assurance of my salvation and that assurance is that He has by His grace and mercy covered me with the Blood of Jesus and through my confession and acceptance in my heart of Jesus Christ. God is specific about the fact...
“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31).
"For with the heart (core being) man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." ( Romans 10:10)
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." ( Romans 10:13)
Missed this place very much. I see returning this thread is still alive, as it should be. The OP topic is right on. I had on my Facebook someone tell me if I believed "Once saved, always saved" I was going to hell. Well it was on with me and that person after that statement.
To my way of thinking, doing our part means we need to learn how to "allow" the HS to do His work through us. How often do we yield ourselves to be used by God as His instrument. I mean really yield ourselves
Isn't motive everything in this life? I agree with your post and it fits me to a tee. Thus, we should examine why we do what we do and is it the Lord leading us to do any work.
While it is good we want to show thankfulness for the gift of our salvation and to "work" for the Lord, going about His work must be done with the right motive. That is a very important word to me, " motive." I question mine often. Does anyone else?
I totally agree. While I know I should be doing more for the Kingdom of God, I know that I must keep in mind that doing works can also allow "pride" to enter in and for that we must always be on guard. At least that is a thought I just had.