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  1. star

    Not By Works

    Don't know about New Age religion but I do know that we cannot ever Do Enough for the Lord. My problem is that I don't believe I personally have done very much for Him. When I consider all He has done for me and saved me for eternity, I should at least have been a better instrument for Him.
  2. star

    Not By Works

    Oh I absolutely know I can never do enough "works" to get saved NOR can I do enough to maintain salvation. That is why I know salvation is a one time deal and it it by the mercy and Grace of God Almighty we are saved and kept that way. I just feel sometimes as if I have not nor do I do...
  3. star

    Not By Works

    I never feel as though I do enough "works" for our Lord. I'm not sure I ever have.
  4. star

    Not By Works

    Thank you much. I'll try both.
  5. star

    Not By Works

    What is the best bible dictionary?
  6. star

    Not By Works

    Don't we often act as though we have to "help" God get things done?
  7. star

    Not By Works

    Thanks for "fixing" that one cause I had to look 3 times at it. LOLOLOL
  8. star

    Not By Works

    Works will come from those Saved by the Grace of God because a person filled with the Holy Spirit of God will have a deep desire to "work for the Lord." Works to obtain and keep salvation is a sin against God and His work of grace and mercy
  9. star

    Not By Works

    Amen and it teaches new Christians that they may or may not keep their salvation depending on their "works."
  10. star

    Not By Works

    It is by far the most important thread in my opinion on this site. I see so many trying to do enough works to "earn salvation" that it makes me anxious. I believe we are led to do "works" after we have been saved and we receive the Holy Spirit but not working in order to save our souls.
  11. star

    Not By Works

    I hope this thread doesn't die. It's the only one I feel like posting on.
  12. star

    Not By Works

    God Almighty is the Creator. Can the created really decide if God is right or wrong? God will give mercy to whom He will give mercy. The word hate in biblical times also was defined as dislike, love less.
  13. star

    Not By Works

    It is a sin to try and work for the salvation of our souls when God has already provided the path and given the grace.
  14. star

    Not By Works

    The word "hatred" in the OT often meant "loathe, disgust."
  15. star

    Not By Works

    So in my absence I see we have new "works" advocates to show up.
  16. star

    Not By Works

    This thread is "NOT BY WORKS." Grace: Undeserved blessing Genesis: 6:8 " and Noah found grace in the sight of God" John:1:16 "and of his fullness have all we received grace for grace." Romans: 1:5 " By whom we have received grace and apostleship" Romans: 5:1 "By whom also we have access...
  17. star

    Not By Works

    Well my husband and I were diagnosed with covid-19. We are in quarantine. We have had a mild case and for that I praise God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth. Thank all of you for your prayers. Please keep us in them for the next few days.
  18. star

    Not By Works

    Thank you so much.
  19. star

    Not By Works

    I'm back again. Went on vacation. Came back. Now may have contracted Covid-19. Please send up a prayer. My husband and i were tested today. He is scheduled for immunotherapy for his bladder cancer, which will be postponed if we test positive. Oh Dear Heavenly Father, may this year 2020...
  20. star

    Not By Works

    Yep I get angry to the core whenever the Power of our Lord is questioned and I will hurl whatever I feel is necessary to cut in half such sacrilegious actions