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  1. mustaphadrink


    Scripture is never flippant.
  2. mustaphadrink


    Jesus was not conceived on December 25th.
  3. mustaphadrink


    I don't read between the lines
  4. mustaphadrink


    If you want to disagree with scripture that is up to you.
  5. mustaphadrink

    Christians response to gay marriage?

    Homosexuality is all about identity. If we are secure in our identity, we will be happy with who we are and what we are so there is no need to find an identity outside of the norm. If we are not secure in our identity, we will look for it elsewhere and it can manifest itself in several ways. A...
  6. mustaphadrink


    When you are writing papers for your degree course they are not published.
  7. mustaphadrink

    Is The New Apostolic Reformation Heretical?

    In my home. I have several books written about the subject so I went through them again to see what they were teaching
  8. mustaphadrink


    This verse means you don't divorce anyone
  9. mustaphadrink


    Obviously you have not been to uni. To produce a paper on a subject you have many references, usually other books or papers on a subject. There is no ONE publication. As to data and collection methods. i used the same as everyone else which was set out by the uni.
  10. mustaphadrink

    Beware of online ministries

    And if that happened the children would have to sing Jesus wants me to be a moonbeam not a sunbeam?? Ha ha.
  11. mustaphadrink


    Thankyou for your opinion. Mine was arrived at after copious research for a university degree in the subject.
  12. mustaphadrink

    Is The New Apostolic Reformation Heretical?

    As to comparing what is being taught, I have been doing that for 50 years, exposing myself to all sorts of expressions of Christianity so as not to be accused of spreading hearsay. For me the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
  13. mustaphadrink

    Is The New Apostolic Reformation Heretical?

    Funny you should say that, but we are told constantly we are not allowed to judge so I suggest you do a bible study on the word judge in its entirety. I think you will be surprised what it does say.
  14. mustaphadrink

    Is The New Apostolic Reformation Heretical?

    Nice to see that my facts are leaving you speechless.
  15. mustaphadrink

    Is The New Apostolic Reformation Heretical?

    Decided to reacquaint myself with the teachings and operation of NAR again and it didn't take me long to work out much of what I read about it is hearsay and not written by anyone who has an intimate knowledge of its workings. What its teaching is based on is straight out of the Bible. The...
  16. mustaphadrink

    Is The New Apostolic Reformation Heretical?

    That is not for me to judge, especially a blanket judgment. I have a tendency to look for the best in anything not the worst and have the discernment to work out which is which. For example, I was suspicious of Benny Hinn long before he came out with his confession of guilt.
  17. mustaphadrink

    Beware of online ministries

    And ministers who stand up and preach and are no more called or anointed to do so than the man in the moon.
  18. mustaphadrink

    Is The New Apostolic Reformation Heretical?

    Yes, Jesus used them all the time. For example, he said EXCEPT a man be born again he CANNOT see the kingdom of God. :eek:;)
  19. mustaphadrink


    Ran out of time. Doing things selfishly. Get divorced. To divorce is like asking "what is more important. What God says or what I want? " if you truly want the best in all situations regarding marriage you do not get divorced in any circumstance as God can change things even in the worst...
  20. mustaphadrink


    A sad subject in reality. In my social studies I have learned that Christians are divorcing at a similar rate as the non-believer is and in some cases more. What you might say it trivialises marriage when in fact marriage is a covenant not to be broken. I have been married 52 years and if I am...