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  1. B

    Who is the 'ONE' who sits on the throne?

    I have noticed in the past he has said that Jesus is the Father and the Holy Spirit. This is known as "Modalism" which the Oneness Pentecostals teach. In other words, Jesus is all three, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. The doctrine that the persons of the Trinity represent only three...
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    The Trinity.

    There it is, your bottom line. williamjordan was right, you are all over the place. Since that's the case let's start here at John 1:1. For one thing you making what is known in logic, "an argument from silence." Just because the name "Jesus" is not used does not mean He's the subject of John 1...
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    Who is the 'ONE' who sits on the throne?

    I'm going to address your question, in fact I'm going to address two questions. One, who is sitting on the throne and two, who's is who within the Trinity. I will fist make the following statement, God is never illogical, sometimes He's "a-logical" which means He goes beyond logic. Now, who is...
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    Hamas coming after Christians.

    And you know this how? IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  5. B

    The Trinity

    I know your not a JW but that is what they teach. Again, Thomas declared to Jesu Himself that He Jesus is his Lord and God. Jesus did not say "No I am not and Thomas believed Him, why can't you believe the Holy Spirit inspired words? In Him, bluto
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    The Trinity

    That's a typical Jehovah's Witnesses answer. If Jesus is not the Lord and God of Thomas why did Jesus not correct Thomas? So I ask you, is Jesus Christ the Lord God Almighty? IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  7. B

    The Trinity

    I'm asking for clarity by you saying the following: "You will understand that Jesus is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, for God's prophet, Isaiah, was given to teach this. " If you believe Isaiah 9:6 is teaching this then you are teaching "Modalism." This means that Jesus Christ is all...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I have to say that with an EGO like yours I don't know how you make through doorways. :rolleyes: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  9. B

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Are you still at it cv5? Btw, how that go with you wanting to turn in and ban all the post tribbers in the world? :rolleyes: IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  10. B

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Of course Jesus comes as a thief in the night, no one is denying this. On the other hand the Apostle Paul said this at 1 Thessalonians 5:4, "But you, brethren are NOT in darkness that THE DAY SHOULD OVERTAKE YOU like a thief in the night." Now why is that cv5? The next vs5 explains it. "for you...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Wow, what's with the "pity " party? Your the one who made this statement among others like it. "Bro.....pre-tribbers have yet to hear a single decent rebuttal. Refutations are generally little more than bitter denials. One liners like what @DJT_47 just posted. Uncalled-for red-X's. Or red...
  12. B

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I totally agree with your reasoning that the "tip off" is the antichrist taking his seat in the temple claiming he is god. My question to you is how do you know the restrainer is the Church? From my study I believe the Holy Spirit is the restrainer. IN GOD THE SON, bluto
  13. B

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Oh my, and you said to me yesterday that I'm upset? It's rather apparent that you are not familiar with 1 Corinthians 11:19, "For there must be factions/differences of opinion among you, (why?) in order that those who are approved may have become evident among you." Having differences of opinion...
  14. B

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    So now there's three comings? Hebrews 9:28, "so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, shall appear a SECOND time for a second time for salvation WITHOUT REFERENCE TO SIN, TO THOSE WHO EARGERLY AWAIT HIM." He first came to die for the sins of mankind. He is coming a...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    First of all I am "NOT" upset. You just don't know what your talking about and your not being logical. God is always logical and sometimes He is a-logical which means He goes beyond logic. There are two prophecies in Daniel. The first one was when Titus destroyed the temple and not one rock was...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    What an "asinine" statement for you to make.? You said, "Christians are nowhere to be found in Matt 24 to begin with. " It's no wonder you could not answer any of my questions? Telling me instead to "go to the go to guy?" For one thing when the disciples ask Jesus at Matthew 24:3, "Tell us...
  17. B

    Jesus, before becoming a man

    What are you talking about that the God we call Jesus was not known as Jesus during the OT times. What difference does that make? So instead you decide (or whoever wrote all your points) that this God is really Michael the arc angel, who btw was created by this God Jesus. I keep telling you...
  18. B

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Actually there are various views on this subject. Some believe it takes place in heaven and others on the earth. Read the 4th paragraph from the following site: It places the supper in heaven. Personally, (a post tribulation believer) thinks...
  19. B

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Is this the best you got? You mean you can't answer for yourself? I guess you don't know about 1Peter 3:15, "but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who ask you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and...