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    Speak Your Mind.

    Right back atcha, catlady! Pawsome.
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    In Christ Alone

    You're welcome selah! Actually, I meant to post it in What music are you listening to, not make another thread. Duh!
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    about Suicide

    Who? Me? I'm keeping all my pearls. I'm throwing crumbs.
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    about Suicide

    @JimmyTheLock That's how we should live... being sensitive to the Holy Spirit... who will actually warn us before we sin if we are in tune with Him, so we don't do the sin! I agree. It's taking time. I'm growing in Christ, learning to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit's promptings &...
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    about Suicide

    God's discipline soon brings me back to Him at the slightest sin. The Holy Spirit convicts me.
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    about Suicide

    I think I went off on a tan-gent there lol I'll tootle off & give my Self some Self discipline for jumping head first into a wrong conclusion lol
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    about Suicide

    That would've been quite difficult as Calvin was long dead before Arminus was capable of debate.
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    Do any of you guys take the gospel out into the streets?

    @Lanolin Seeds stones are good, they are little pebbles painted with a scripture verse leaving anywhere for people to find and wouldnt get all rained on and wet like a gospel tract. That's a brilliant idea, thanks.
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    about Suicide

    I doubt it because he was born in the Netherlands. His ideas are interesting, though.
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    about Suicide

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    Have You Ever Been On The Receiving End Of Envy?

    Yes. Twice I've been told: "I want what you've got." (As in peace of mind, contentment, patience and so forth.) One was a spiritual healer, my best friend of 10 years. I told her about Jesus a few times & the dangers of witchcraft & spiritualism. I chose to end the friendship as I had to...
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    Let's write a story ✍️

    and loved the film War Horse
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    Let's write a story ✍️

    who was a veteran of
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    Grace Alone

    On his profile he says he doesn't go to church.
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    Anni's poems

    Conviction I've sinned and God has veiled Himself It seems like He's abandoned me No-one else can help me to be free From this sheer misery I hate to be alone And not at one with Him He's searched my heart and found The pride weed swelling In the garden of my soul He holds it up before me It...
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    In Christ Alone

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    Password 🔑 (game)

    #1 because in the pic he is above the two standing in front of him so he can see what colour #2 & #3 are wearing. Using logic he is able to conclude the colour of his own hat.
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    Warm greetings

    Hi Caroline, it's lovely to meet you & welcome to the forum!
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    Confidence in the Lord

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    about Suicide

    If you hear me rail against false doctrine such as reformed theology and you disagree.... then just move on and don't read what I have to say about your favorite theology. It's a discussion forum. I'm discussing with you.