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    Could God have killed Adam and Eve?

    Exodus 33:20: "But you may not look directly at my face, for no one may see me and live". So no human can see God's face otherwise they will die. Question: If Adam and Eve saw God in the garden of Eden following them eating the forbidden fruit and thus becoming sinful, would they have died?
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    Hi folks. Dad here with twins . One is Autistic. Anyone else on from Scotland to chat

    Hi Jason, I'm now to CC too. I am not a father (yet?) but I do have some experience with the autistic spectrum. I am also from the UK (East), and would be happy to chat. Best wishes :)
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    Question specifically about the NEW covenant.

    I hope this doesn't come across as rude, please forgive me if it does, however your post is the kind of emotional manipulation and guilt tripping that goes on in mega churches. Basically telling people that their "heart isn't really for God unless they're prepared to give money to the Church". I...
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    Question specifically about the NEW covenant.

    Thanking you for your straightforward and simple answer :-)
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    Question specifically about the NEW covenant.

    My question isn't about whether a Church needs money to survive (which it doesn't!). My question is about whether tithing is a new testament/covenant requirement.
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    Question specifically about the NEW covenant.

    Can somebody please tell me where it says in the Bible that tithing is REQUIRED under the NEW covenant. Please give a quote from the NEW testament.
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    I would say that almost all of it is an exercise in religious fervor and manipulation. Funny how it always happens in mega churches when the 'pastor' has their hand touching the person's head or is whipping the crowd into hysterics. Anyone going to tell me I am wrong?
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    I'm thinking about writing a book

    Here's what the Bible really says about tithing:
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    I'm thinking about writing a book

    Please explain what you mean.
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    I'm thinking about writing a book

    So you're saying it's a requirement for modern day Christians to tithe?
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    I'm thinking about writing a book

    There is nothing wrong with giving to Church. I have never said there is anything wrong with this. But there is something wrong with the teaching that says that modern Christians must tithe, hence "The Great Tithing Scam". :-)
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    I'm thinking about writing a book

    You wrote more than just "I agree". For instance you wrote "...GOD doesn't need our monies but we now love GOD and our neighbors and will tithe because we want our brother to experence spiritual rebirth". You're implying that modern day Christians should tithe because they love God. This is...
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    I'm thinking about writing a book

    This is the kind of manipulation I'm talking about. Giving money to your Church is NOT a sign that you've received forgiveness for your sins. It's a sign that you've been manipulated to think that tithing is a sign of "true belief" or "true faith".
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    I'm thinking about writing a book

    I'll write the book but I feel I need some help. If I can get a group of us together to write it that would be fantastic!
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    I'm thinking about writing a book

    As you will know, all too often church pastors equate themselves with God in the sense that they say giving them your money is giving God your money.
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    To all of you non flat earthers.

    Curious: why would satan want to deceive us about the world not being flat.....?
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    I'm thinking about writing a book

    Hello everybody, I'm a long time lurker on here and thought I would make the jump and join you all on this forum. I'm considering writing a book titled "The Great Tithing Scam". Obviously it would be about how tithing is in fact not a requirement of those living under the new covenant. Is...