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  1. Riven

    Never Believe

    Well it's been fun. Won't miss you on the other side.
  2. Riven

    Never Believe

    You know the biggest of all the traits that sadistic people present. Is the inability to accept what they think is wrong.
  3. Riven

    Never Believe

    Hey? I thought Christian's were supposed to have the fruit's of the spirit. I doubt you'd know love if you fell into an olympic sized swimming pool of it.
  4. Riven

    Never Believe

    If I wanted simple I'd make some 2 minute noodles, not bank my understanding of the cosmos on simplicity. Kinda might make simple minded.
  5. Riven

    Never Believe

    Well, wouldn't that be paradoxical.
  6. Riven

    Never Believe

    Beliefs create no real certainty, how can they? They're beliefs.
  7. Riven

    Never Believe

    I don't know, that you Christian's believe loopy thing's.
  8. Riven

    Never Believe

    It's not about a man dying for love, a lot of people have died for love. It's how Christian's use that pivotal moment in history to avoid their personal responsibility.
  9. Riven

    Never Believe

    But you accept that Jesus suffered to pay the penalty for your sins, right? You have to at least acknowledge that, otherwise revering him on it's own is not allowing him to suffer for your sins. You know I could argue that while Jesus hung on his cross and took on the sins of the whole world...
  10. Riven

    Never Believe

    Jehovah Witness? I don't get along with them, since I'm a vampire. (Of course I'm not a vampire, but I tell them I'm one) I'm expecting garlic next time I run into them.
  11. Riven

    Never Believe

    It doesn't matter if you never asked for that, however you do now. You need Jesus to have died for you & suffer for all your sins, otherwise you're not going to be saved.
  12. Riven

    Never Believe

  13. Riven

    The Art Of Love

    To this day Magenta, I have no idea what the Christian truth is. It's Jesus they say, yeah, well what is that? They say it's love, again, what is that? I don't think I'm ever going to know, when truth has no objective premise.
  14. Riven

    Never Believe

    Well okay, but that gift only came at a cost of someone being brutally mistreated & executed. But not just that, Christian's all over the world take joy that Jesus suffered for the sins of mankind. I couldn't imagine wanting another person to suffer for any reason, so why do you?
  15. Riven

    The Art Of Love

    How can you tell the real Christian from the fake? They're all real Christian's in their mind's, matey.
  16. Riven

    Never Believe

    Let me ask you a serious question. Doesn't accepting and venerating the torture of someone for your sakes, make all Christian's sadistic? That's as nice as I can put it blue_ladybug.
  17. Riven

    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    I know where you're coming from here, but what I'm stating is that it is very difficult to determine the cause & effect's of this type of disorder while you are still under it's influence. Because the disorder itself can alter your estimates & evaluations when making your determinations on what...
  18. Riven

    Never Believe

    I was a professing Christian once, but I never surrendered to Jesus. I think I never got to that stage because I was very concerned with the concept of accepting the torture of another human being, for the sake of myself. What else can I say?
  19. Riven

    CRA Christians in Recovery (anonymous)

    I did pick up on that Magenta, although the OP mentioned he was recovering and not in fact recovered. Which means his opinion and data won't be reliable evidence until he is fully recovered. Since no one can make a analysis on their condition while in transition, that comes after, not before...
  20. Riven

    Is it wrong for cristians to be emo

    I found out what EMO is. Emotional Modulating Opening EMO's are just emotionally open ports (As in bio-chemical exchangers)