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  1. Riven

    Never Believe

    You Christian's say Jesus is all about a "Relationship" You all sure about that claim? Because I doubt the way you treat each other in forums like this one represents a real relationship. I've been dealing with your type's since 1999. Enough time to make an exact analysis, that your religion...
  2. Riven

    Never Believe

    Cherry pick away, it's not going to change what I said.
  3. Riven

    Never Believe

    Why? You'll just deny it, and then the mental gymnastics will begin.
  4. Riven

    Never Believe

    Proving the Bible with the Bible? Is that all you people have, sound's like specious reasoning.
  5. Riven

    Never Believe

    I'm a monster matey, not a troll. You'll learn that sooner than later. :)
  6. Riven

    Never Believe

    I do have my own, why can't I have others? Your Old Testament God recommends me to have many women.
  7. Riven

    Never Believe

    You don't need proof, you need to believe.
  8. Riven

    Never Believe

    I hope you are young lady, because I could see you & me K.I.S.S.I.N.G in the garden of Eden.
  9. Riven

    Never Believe

    Something none of you have observed, or proven unequivocally.
  10. Riven

    Never Believe

    For all you people know, I could have the true God of life living inside myself. Who has had just about enough of watching his own creation believing lies.
  11. Riven

    Never Believe

    I can not keep up with all these conflicting responses, please go in prayer and consult your Spirit, then return here as one unified body and one message.
  12. Riven

    Never Believe

    Indeed I am, since I was tortured by my fellow human beings far longer that Jesus.
  13. Riven

    Never Believe

    Slooow down, breathe, in & out. The light is always going to be there, no matter what we believe.
  14. Riven

    Never Believe

    Sadistic people always appear to be your friend, until they trap you.
  15. Riven

    Never Believe

    I know matey, you're stuck thinking that way :(
  16. Riven

    Never Believe

    Why? Would you really love someone who'd ultimately hurt you if you didn't?
  17. Riven

    Never Believe

    Hmm, I can't love anyone who'd torture me if I didn't. You know what I mean?
  18. Riven

    Never Believe

    That's what epidurals are for, you dig?
  19. Riven

    Never Believe

    For God so loved the world that he tortured himself to save yourself from an eternity of torture. Wow!
  20. Riven

    Never Believe

    Grateful that someone was tortured & everyone's pain piled upon them, then killed? Sounds pretty sadistic to me, but what do I know.