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  1. D

    King James Bible

    The letters to the churches in the book of the Revelation are letters first and foremost written directly to those churches at that time. Second they are wise warnings to all churches through out the ages. There is nothing in the text to indicate that they are representative of "church ages". I...
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    King James Bible

    It might be the KJV ushered in the Laodicea era. If one was to believe the letters to the churches are eras, which there is no evidence to support. Also you think 1600 was the era of Philadelphia... With all the divisions and fighting and even one church persecuting another? Also you think the...
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    Why can’t i speak in tongues as a Christian

    Its very strange how many folks focus on tongues but not prophecy or healings or miracles or faith. The so called faith healers in the public eye that I know of are all charlatans, no one trys to do any miracles like Jesus did. I have never seen anyone say a word of knowledge.
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    Are We Really "Called to Excellence?"

    The KJV and the NKJV says virtue. I looked it up in logos program for the Greek. It used the word uirtus; excellence of character; particularly moral excellence; manifestation of power. The idea would be to along with faith also be strong in character and virtue.
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    Why can’t i speak in tongues as a Christian

    I'm curious as to what prophecy you spoken?
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    King James Bible

    1. Not true 2. Why? How? 3. What promise? 4. What manuscript evidence? 5. What fruit? 6 has nothing to do with anything 7 no more than any other English bible
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    King James Bible

    So you arbitrarily choose the KJV?
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    Book of Ezekiel

    Abraham's seed is the church. Israel is the church. Gods people have always been the ones of faith. It has never been about flesh and blood or about nation states. Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. Paul wrote an extensive explanation. Reading the bible.shows it to be true also...
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    King James Bible

    Why? Give proof.
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    Seemingly different spouses

    It's the same thing.
  11. D

    Explain Revelation 22:15

    You asked if he was using a metaphor, I answered from the Bible. So now you want to talk about the Lords supper? Where Jesus gives us his body in the form of bread. And his blood in the form of wine.
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    Ukraine & The American Right

    This is where I disagree with you. When NATO provokes an unjust war, we have a moral obligation to decline, even if it is our own politicians that NATO uses to provoke said war. That being said I agree with everything else you posted here. NATO and America hasnt been good guys here either.
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    King James Bible

    Thats a word salad. Do ya mind clarifying?
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

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    Seemingly different spouses

    I havent bothered to speak on this because so many variables. You criticize your "spouse" for not liking music. Have ya ever thought that maybe ; dont like your kind of music, and judging by your music; knows you won't like theirs (spouse's). I was a musician and can hardly stand music today...
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    Explain Revelation 22:15

    From the Bible
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    Jesus' sparing the adulteress

    How do you catch an adulteress and not the adulterer?
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    Who or what is the rock?

    Tje revelation that Jesus is the Lord.
  19. D

    Why do Christians tell you you shouldn't ask GOD for material things?

    Mostly we receive from God through our participation in our various "vocations" often that material needs come through our jobs, which is God's design. "By the sweat of our brow shall we eat". This does not by any means disqualify asking God for better. Totally ignore what others have. I can...