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  1. Jimbone

    Did God occupy any space before creation?

    Not sure exactly what you mean by "we". Like a French yes?
  2. Jimbone

    Did God occupy any space before creation?

    What do you mean by, "what do you mean"?
  3. Jimbone

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    This is a very reasonable position and I think one of the best one could have. I honestly feel that this whole idea of a superior version of God's word is so very silly, but only in 2 main ways that I feel actually hurt. The first is the split it causes in the body of believers. I think this is...
  4. Jimbone

    Are you pre-Trib, mid-Trib, or post-Trib?

    Jesus is sitting on the throne of David at the right hand now. Today, without a doubt, and He must reign until every enemy has been made a footstool for His feet. Also a fun fact, there are more Christians on the earth now than there's EVER been, and while we are seeing wickedness everywhere...
  5. Jimbone

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    From the hearing of His word, not by the hearing of "a specific version of His word written down at a specific time, in a specific language". Your twisting scripture here to fit your view, this is backwards of how we should read scripture. We should take out of, not read into. NOTHING in...
  6. Jimbone

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    You know what? This comment just opened my eyes to a HUGE difference that you and I have in opinion and perspective when it comes to God, and I think you just really showed your hand and the flaw in your KJV only stance. I don't "build my life" on and specific book. While His word is my...
  7. Jimbone

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    So that would mean you do believe all of Gods word is corrupt outside the KJV, right? That implies not just all the versions made since, but also all before the KJV were corrupt as well. This makes no logical sense to me at all. So basically outside the KJV you believe the gates of hell have...
  8. Jimbone

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    Prove that with scripture.
  9. Jimbone

    Nikki Haley for President

    But what you don't understand is the bank has appraisers too, so Trumps comes with his values and ask for a loan, do you really think the banks just "take the persons word" in this process? No, they send appraisers to look at the places and then a deal for the loan is made. They made the loan...
  10. Jimbone

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    You reject Gods word by saying it's being corrupted when He says the gates of hell will not prevail against it. And the way you lift up one version is the Bible as high as they are here making a tradition found NOWHERE in scripture, that's the false idol I speak of. Both completely rational...
  11. Jimbone

    Nikki Haley for President

    As soon as I saw his name in my notifications I knew it was going to be some "completely disconnected from reality" mess. You have the the worlds most premiere "Law Enforcement" agencies with an unlimited budget and armies of corrupt people relentlessly going after this man for 7 years and...
  12. Jimbone

    Nikki Haley for President

    Lord I hate this dismissive attitude that does nothing but fan the flames of division. How do you know it's not you swayed into the cult of mindless idiots? You haven't offered anything of substance in this whole conversation that YOU started. You make assertions with nothing to back them up...
  13. Jimbone

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    Unlike you guys right? Who day in and day out teach how the gates of hell are prevailing against Gods word? It never existed before the KJV, (which in my mind would make it hard to write the KJV so many years later) and has never been recaptured for preservation since, just the one HOLY VERSION...
  14. Jimbone

    Is Speaking in Tongues still available today?

    You didn't answer my question and avoided my point completely. I was asking if you were saying tongues was NEVER a human language because your comment sure sounded like that, and I had to disagree because there are only 1 or 2 verses that support what you're saying here about tongues being a...
  15. Jimbone

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    This is one of the most glaring problems with this belief. You can't find it in His word, and they hold to it almost as if one is not truly saved unless they accept the Holy KJV as supreme above all. To be clear this is not holding Gods word above all, this is holding a specific version in a...
  16. Jimbone


    While I find that we don't agree on much here, you are 1,000% correct on this. I grew up scoffing at this woman, but if you actually research what really happen you'll see she deserved every cent she got, and not just because of the nightmarish burns on her crotch and inner thighs, and it will...
  17. Jimbone

    Is Speaking in Tongues still available today?

    You make a lot of assertions here, and while I appreciate the passion and can even understand how one can arrive at your conclusions, I do not think scripture supports what you are saying at all. Are you saying tongues has never been human languages? That's exactly what tongues is in the bible...
  18. Jimbone

    Is Speaking in Tongues still available today?

    Then it seems it was me with the misunderstanding. Oops!:censored: That's why it through me off so much. Very glad I left room for doubt for my doubt. :D I do agree so sorry for misreading the "tone", it's so easy to do that I try to always ask first, rather than just assume, which we all know...
  19. Jimbone

    Is Speaking in Tongues still available today?

    I guess it helps, I think you've misunderstood my position though. I agree with ALL that you just wrote and it's what I've been saying in this thread the whole time. Not exactly sure why you were replying to me as if I wasn't saying these exact things the whole time, that kind of confuses me...
  20. Jimbone

    Is Speaking in Tongues still available today?

    Very interesting question, the text says in Acts 2:5-8, 5Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. 6And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one was hearing them speak in his own language. 7And they were...