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  1. BillyBob

    Unconfident Christian

    Welcome to Christianchat! My advice would be to seek a church that you are comfortable with. Faith comes by hearing the word of God, and how will you hear unless you are taught! Yes you can read the Bible, but you may also speed up the process of learning by the teaching of a faithful pastor...
  2. BillyBob

    Can anyone else define these terms as they are used in the Bible?

    You have listed a number of biblical terms, each of which would make an interesting topic for discussion. However, I think that any discussion that you and I might have would only lead to an argument which I don't wish to waste my time on! However, I will follow the topic at a safe distance...
  3. BillyBob

    The Atonement: What did it REALLY Accomplish?

    The will cannot escape the moral character out of which it comes. If the soul is entirely corrupt so that its knowledge and desire are defective and rotten, it follows that it will ever will to do that which is evil. God, please let Christ's atonement cleanse your people, and give each a new...
  4. BillyBob


    Rock Me to Sleep Elizabeth Akers Allen 1832 -1911 Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight, Make me a child again just for tonight! Mother, come back from the echoless shore, Take me again to your heart as of yore; Kiss from my forehead the furrows of care, Smooth the few silver threads...
  5. BillyBob

    Any Reformed Christians here?

    You may want to follow: RogerG brightfame52 forestgreencook They each seem to be solid Christians By the way, I live in the USA in the state of Texas
  6. BillyBob

    Any Reformed Christians here?

    Yes, I agree with the teaching in all these historical documents, but they are secondary teachings to the Bible itself. :)
  7. BillyBob

    Any Reformed Christians here?

    I am not sure how you define Reformed Christians. However, I follow the teaching expressed in the following historical teachings: The Heidelberg Catechism The Belgic Confession The Canons of Dort The Westminster Confession of Faith The Apostles Creed The Nicene Creed The Athanasian Creed All...
  8. BillyBob

    Glad to have found this place

    Matt, Glad to see another Texan online! Well, I'm really a transplant from Oklahoma, but I've lived in Texas for over 50 years. I don't post a whole lot, only when I think I can contribute in some way. Good to have you with us. By the way, I'm not nearly as handsome as my ID picture indicates!
  9. BillyBob

    can you guys post something funny please?

    True Story I live in North Texas and have driven many times up into Oklahoma to visit family. Just before you cross the border to enter Oklahoma there once was a large billboard which read: “Eat Here and Get Gas”
  10. BillyBob

    Need encouragement. Married to unbeliever

    And you call yourself SeekingthemindofChrist? Ha! You are advising someone who professes to be a Christian to beat their spouse over the head in a legal battle. You should get your act together before advising others. IMHO!
  11. BillyBob

    Need encouragement. Married to unbeliever

    Everyone has a different opinion of what a church should be! I hope that the church that you attend is teaching sound doctrine without all the added “feel good” activities that have crept into many churches of today! You need a church that teaches both the fact that we are all sinners, while...
  12. BillyBob

    The evil rapture and the evil evangelists. 👍

    Not as long as we has Biden as President!
  13. BillyBob

    Fill in the Blank: "Without Coffee (or My Beverage/Routine of Choice,) I Am __________________________________."

    I might just take Magenta's advice and change my ID from Billybob to Mr Potato Head!
  14. BillyBob

    H-H-How Much C-C-Coffee Have You Had This Morning?

    I generally only have one cup per day (Folger's Instant)! The reason for this is that I am the only coffee drinker at home. I cannot drink coffee from a coffee shop such as Starbucks. If I did, I would have it diluted 4 parts water to 1 part coffee. To me their coffee is like trying to drink...
  15. BillyBob

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    1 Timothy 2 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the...
  16. BillyBob

    Trust Issues

    It seems to me that that the trouble and despair are the very things that bring us closer to God. When we are made to face these issues, it makes us realize just how much we need him and draws us closer than ever before. IMHO
  17. BillyBob

    The truth about Muhammad "Feedback appreciated"

    Even a potato-head like myself agrees!
  18. BillyBob

    With God At Dawn

    The writings of EGW are just not for me. Her words sound nice but generally are not in line with scripture.
  19. BillyBob

    Does God love all mankind and does He wish to save everyone

    Since you believe that men can reject God's plan, then I see no reason for you to consider God in any way whatsoever! You have a free path to heaven based on your desires, not His. If God were to (not desire you), you could just tell him “sorry God it does not matter what you desire, I can...
  20. BillyBob

    Does God love all mankind and does He wish to save everyone

    Thanks for letting me know! As you can see, my picture would never work for such an endeavor!