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  1. Jewel5712

    Not By Works that POINT..
  2. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    The whole topic bout judas that came up was bout the vine n branches ..judas was used in the context as an "example" n like most things in this snowballed on a tangent n took on a whole new animal of its own...i didnt say judas was RIGHT..i didnt say was perfect but i DUD say no one...
  3. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    Magenta. STOP putting words in my mouth..thank you...;)
  4. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    I dont know but im sure others on here can twist that one too n make it fit into scripture somewhere to prove thier point as well ;)
  5. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    OMW..too many people "making the rules" on whose saved n not..knowing he just sent a man he followed..libed with..had a friendship with for 3 yrs ..he sent this innocent man to his horrific could judas LIVE with himself say nothing bout how the other desciples would feel..Zthe deapth...
  6. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    Judas couldve become a "true christian" 5 min before his death..can you say otherwise?
  7. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    When youre God you can be sure to judge judas heart... Please magenta..again..please AGREE TO DISAGREE N LET IT BE??? Thanks
  8. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    Hmmmm..reincarnation or rising from the dead to come back as someone different? Kinda extreme..
  9. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    Like i said..truthtalk posted scripture and i hope you had a chance to read that post..otherwise we're going to have to agree to disagree...God judges hearts and like the thief on the one knows judas heart before His death other than he felt remorse for his actions toward Jesus..
  10. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    Judas not denying that but "doomed to distruction"..heck..anything bad in our lives make us a risk "doomed to distructiom"..excessive drinking..eating..etc And obviously jesus was right..judas behaviour lead him to distruction...we can apply that to our lives today as well..does it mean...
  11. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    Not lose your salvation but be tempted n walk away from Christ? Absolutely! Judas was caught up by greed... But he also felt great remorse..
  12. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    Judus betrayed..peter denied..thomas doubted..whos sin is worse? Jesus loved them all..dispite themselves and His blood covered them all..
  13. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    Post 72809. Truthtalk said it nicely..
  14. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    Yes..n it said many desciples chose not to follow after that but the 12 remained (refering to john 13).. But like truthtalk? Said cant betray someone you were never "in" to begin with..
  15. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    You talking bout John 13?
  16. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    He wasnt always like that n he might have repented bedore he committed suicide..we dont know..
  17. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    Only God knows the rewards u get in heaven...
  18. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    How do you KNOW judas wasnt a true believer? True believers fall to temptation all the time like judas did..
  19. Jewel5712

    Not By Works

    @benhur ...after one is saved and when u die you will be JUDGED by God on your works or LACK of them and that will determine in heaven your rewards but God never takes ones salvation away that he had his son DIE for..
  20. Jewel5712

    Not By Works i posted after this one..God/Jesus isnt referencing this in regard to salvation n i DO believe once saved always saved but not the twisted version of OSAS via video that was earlier posted in this thread