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  1. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    How terrible that must be for you.
  2. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    Sort of. You're "fleeing" by hoping to escape the threat through compliance. But compliance doesn't always work out how we hope, or how the aggressor says it will; does it?
  3. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    It doesn't have anything to do with her "enjoying" it... you are missing the point.
  4. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    Just because somebody says you only have 2 choices, that doesn't make it true.
  5. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    Really? Is compliance "fight" or "flight"?
  6. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    I know that. When the KJV says "the fearful" it is not referring to people who have a fight-or-flight response. It is talking about people who act based only on that response.
  7. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    No. You obviously don't know what an apology is.
  8. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    It's not really the victim that is "choosing death", is it?
  9. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    No, I said willfully submitting is co-conspiracy. I said the fearful won't inherit the Kingdom of God, because that's what the bible says. It's a hard lesson.
  10. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    Dude, you are not intimidating anyone; so unless you have something worthwhile to add... I won't hold my breath.
  11. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    You pretty much are. No; because rape affects more than just the victim who is raped. You are really missing the entire scope.
  12. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    I'm not backpedaling anything. And you don't need a screenshot, I'm not editing anything. You just have no understanding at all whatsoever about what I'm saying.
  13. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    So? So does a rape scenario... so... it seems like a pretty good example to me.
  14. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    That's not what I said. And in what way is that an apology for the rapist? It's not. The sexually immoral don't inherit the kingdom of heaven. But we need to repent of cowardice as much as we need to repent of sexual immorality.
  15. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    I don't know how you get that out of my post... I won't suggest you should be banned for being dumb though.
  16. SomeDisciple

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Considering they were going to make Osama Bin-Laden person of the year until they were deterred by the collective disgust of Americans; this isn't exactly a wonderful thing. The MSM are playing up and emphasizing Trump's less-than-optimistic sounding words about the economy to Time out of...
  17. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    The aggressor doesn't have control over a victims behavior. I haven't assumed that the victim always has the ability to call for help. If someone is fully restrained, or rendered unconscious they can't call for help. A person who only has a gun or knife pointed at them, or is being verbally...
  18. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    You're wrong. Willfully submitting to a sexual assault because of blackmail or threat is co-conspiracy. They often do; but they shouldn't. Don't you know that Jesus said the fearful will not enter the Kingdom of God? Are you going to become radicalized Muslim because a terrorist points a gun at...
  19. SomeDisciple

    No American Women, You are not Oppressed!!

    I do generally sympathize with victims: but being a victim by itself isn't a virtue. How we behave in our victimhood matters. And not all victims do necessarily deserve our sympathy. You can only cooperate with an aggressor so much before you become a co-conspirator. It doesn't have anything to...