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  1. BenFTW

    To those of you dating...

    I was thinking about this. That God can use such relationships (that a person has chosen) for a person’s good (as He works all things for their good). Meaning it doesn’t all have to be destructive and you can glean from the experience. At the very least, as you said, they have a relative...
  2. BenFTW

    Biblical meaning and purpose of colors and elements?

    Since all of creation sings the praises of God, showing the invisible Creator, maybe you’re seeing His majesty through His work? You can probably take any object and in some way, find a way to relate it to the Lord in praise. The very fact that anything exists at all, instead of nothing, is a...
  3. BenFTW

    The Fear of The LORD.

    What church are you attending? Most people believe the latter and not the former. In Jesus’ statement of fearing the Lord, could it not be said, “If you are going to be afraid, be afraid of this?” Hell is real, and without Christ are people condemned. Fear of the Lord can be both a reverence...
  4. BenFTW

    To those of you dating...

    That’s reading a lot into the question cinder. The question of why, does not mean people need to feel the pressure of justifying their decision, but I am asking why they made that decision. The insinuated judgement you’re reading into the question comes from the sensitivity of the subject at...
  5. BenFTW

    To those of you dating...

    The argument isn’t being made that one is right and one is wrong; it’s questioning why you choose a particular method and weighing the costs. 🙂 I am clearly for waiting.
  6. BenFTW

    To those of you dating...

    I didn’t say one option was more spiritual than the other, or present a legalistic dichotomy. As for godly dating, and dating in a wise manner, that is an option people have available to them. However, it still doesn’t answer the question of why. Why date instead of wait? I would also ask...
  7. BenFTW

    To those of you dating...

    Oh no. I got Seoulsearch started. 😅 ❤️ I would respect the decision of the dater and the person waiting. In regards to “waiting upon the Lord” the only context I am using here is quite literally waiting for the person God will provide or lead you to pursue. So your analogy of the baby and...
  8. BenFTW

    I'm Confused... How can you be a Christian and a Racist?

    Do you care to share what you considered as racist in the chat room and what was directed at you? In the current climate we find ourselves, someone could disagree with Black Lives Matter and be considered a racist. People are losing jobs over disagreeing with the movement for example, such as a...
  9. BenFTW

    To those of you dating...

    I am sorry if my response comes off too strong, Magenta. Getting to know if a person is right for you may indeed seem realistic, but trusting in who God provides to you and confirms to you as His providence is also very realistic and in getting to know them, you will see that God knew exactly...
  10. BenFTW

    To those of you dating...

    The question is, do they intend to have a relationship that leads to marriage and death do you part, and if they do, why are they not waiting upon the Lord and His providence instead of subjecting themselves to the pains of dating? Again, people are free to date; I am asking why they don’t wait...
  11. BenFTW

    To those of you dating...

    Did you read the original post? 🤔 This is addressed, the answer is God’s providence and willingness to grant the desires of the righteous.
  12. BenFTW

    To those of you dating...

    That’s a very cynical perspective and puts into question the faithfulness of God to prepare two people for each other to have a lasting covenant. 🙂 Mark 10:9 King James Version (KJV) 9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Marriage is for life, joined together by...
  13. BenFTW

    To those of you dating...

    What if you only dated the person God has for you? Meaning, you know who they are to you, and pursued them in knowledge of God’s providence. You still can get to know each other, and court them even, towards marriage. Instead of going through a process of elimination by dating (multiple...
  14. BenFTW

    To those of you dating...

    Let me add, as I feel led. Some of you may be dating, but you should judge righteously. What do you think your Heavenly Father thinks of the man you’re with or the men you’ve been looking at? You men too, what is the character of the women you are gazing at? Shouldn’t you see, on some level, if...
  15. BenFTW

    To those of you dating...

    I have question for you. Why don’t you wait upon the Lord? Hear me out. I am not saying the Lord can’t bring someone to a person through dating. I am asking you why you have chosen to date instead of waiting for a person, and thereby exposed yourself to the pains of dating? If you asked the...
  16. BenFTW

    Not doing enough to seek God comparing myself

    Sin leads to death, is it any wonder that in its entertainment your desire is death? There is no life in sin. Thank you for your vulnerability. No reason to be upset, you’re looking for help. As for shame, God loves you. Can you understand that even in the midst of your sin, God doesn’t condemn...
  17. BenFTW

    Is it a bad witness for a Christian pastor to marry someone 30 years younger?

    A 70 year old pastor marrying a 40 year old woman, may be the only reasonable version of this scenario? It’s just so hard to fathom that age gap. But at least if it’s with older (don’t read old, ladies lol ❤️) adults, it won’t seem as unnatural to the younger people in the church or seen as an...
  18. BenFTW

    Testing, Testing... The Singles Forum REAL Personality Test!

    The owner would return and I’d be like... “Dinner is served.”
  19. BenFTW

    Testing, Testing... The Singles Forum REAL Personality Test!

    I always suspected you were a serial killer. Something fishy about you. 🤪
  20. BenFTW

    Judgemental Christians

    I’ve got it. Newbreed. Since we are new to the scene.