Why does Trump say 1) He doesn’t know about them, and 2) He doesn’t agree with all their opinions?
Just one thing for starters: the entire executive branch will be under direct control of the president?
That’s extremism 101.
It’s pretty obvious, but from the posts in many of the threads here a lot of people are going to vote for Trump.
Too bad.
Republican Voters Against Trump is what you should take a closer look at.
I voted for Trump in 2016.
Never Again!
Can we get our previous accounts back? I was a member here from 1999 or 2000, but back then it was only chat rooms here. What I really would like to get back is my account from January 2013.
Is that possible?
Rhetorically speaking it’s a lot of big, emotional words from the Trump crowd that stirs up anger and frustration. How can anyone vote for this scam? Yes, because he succeeds in getting people angry.