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  1. wolfwint

    Neither Trump nor Biden are Popular, hmm

    You mean Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz. He is 65
  2. wolfwint

    Neither Trump nor Biden are Popular, hmm

    Its same in germany :-)
  3. wolfwint

    Neither Trump nor Biden are Popular, hmm

    What I dont understand is, that the USA has no other candidates then this two old man.
  4. wolfwint

    The hatred of Jews

    What news you read? I dont saw till now concentration camps for the palastine people. I do not know any other nation which is trying to avoid to kill people in an war. Why you dont blame Hamas which is hiding behind woman and children, in schools, mosques and hospitals? Which startet a...
  5. wolfwint

    The hatred of Jews

    The history of the nation Israel began some thousand years earlier. And as i said, many people defend the crimes of Hamas witout judge them. Israel is always the bad guy. I said nothing from end times. I said this will not end till the Lord Jesus comes back for to fight for Israel.
  6. wolfwint

    The hatred of Jews

    Yes, and there are docoments, Fotos and Videos which Show the opposite. But nobody want see them. Nobody judges the Hamas for to missuse all the dollars and euros which were for to build education and social belongings. Nobody judged the Hamas for to sell the food and helpmaterials expensive to...
  7. wolfwint

    The hatred of Jews

    Thats the way. The purpose and will to eliminate Israel and his citizens is no genocide. To self defend against a deadly agressor is genocide. The nations will fight against Israel. Till the Lord comes and set them an end.
  8. wolfwint

    The hatred of Jews

    Palestine is no country. And realy Netanyahu has nothing to do with Israels right to defense. I do not believe that you would do nothing, if you would be responsible, for to protect your citizens. Israel has no other way then to defekt Hamas. The UNO is doing nothing to stop Hamas.
  9. wolfwint

    The hatred of Jews

    Well, if you believe this, then you deny many prophecies which God has made to Israel. F.e. example what sense then makes Revealation 7, 4-8? Or do you consider this is meant spiritual?
  10. wolfwint

    The hatred of Jews

    Well, we Well we will see 😀
  11. wolfwint

    The hatred of Jews

    So, then Paul, if he wrote hebrews, wokld say 2 different meanigs about Israel? I know many Christians deny that Israel as Nation has a place in gods future. But then many prophescies from the OT were wrong. And this I do not believe! You can have your view about Israel. But I would not like...
  12. wolfwint


    We should stop our conversation. It brings nothing, out of wasting time.
  13. wolfwint


    Realy, I should answer your questions while you my ignore?
  14. wolfwint

    Election teaches that salvation comes from the Lord.

    But how they can be fullfilled? Jesus was not sitting in the Tempel to rule. Israel had never a time of peace, after they came back from the exile.
  15. wolfwint


    Thank you, I gave you reply, but you simply disagreed with it ore gave a sleeping Button, instead of answering my post. I am ask for forgivness if I interprete your view false. Yes, you wrote in your post that you dont mean that you mean speeking in tongues, healing ore prophecie. But the...
  16. wolfwint

    Election teaches that salvation comes from the Lord.

    I agree with your post. But it is said that Jesus will reign in Jerusalem for 1000 years. Revealation 20. This was on earth. After that, the earth will destroyed. And the earthly Jerusalem, too. So no reason to suppose that Joel 2 is meant spiritual.
  17. wolfwint


    Then read your post 102 again! What other I should conclude from your post?
  18. wolfwint


    You know, believe what you want. You cant convince me that your teaching is right. Acts 8 proves it. To Number 2. I often enough gave you the answer for your question. But you just ignore it. You are not the first who give the word of God the meaning you want. Thats your buisseness. Sad.
  19. wolfwint


    I know, i repleyd to CS1, who said everyone who is baptised with the Holy Spirit get the gift of speaking in tongues.
  20. wolfwint


    Now,I know why you dont mention Acts 8. The Samaritians spoke not with tongues when they received the Holy Spirit. But they should according your claime.