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  1. wolfwint


    Well, the gift to discern the spirits. It was there after I turned to Christ. At this time i did know very less from the bible. I was in no church. But if someone told religious things i could know it is from God or not. I met very much sect members with strange teachings. When Jesus came...
  2. wolfwint


    I believe that the Holy Spirit still works today in the believers and through them, according his will. But I do not believe all man made doctrines.
  3. wolfwint


    This is your way of understanding. The apostles had before pentecost no baptising with the Holy Spirit. And what then with Thomas, he was not there (John 20, 24. ) You create an doctrine which never was taught in the word of God. And you could not show me that it was taught! Well anyway, we...
  4. wolfwint


    Brother, I am wondering about someone who has already has received the baptism with the Holy Spirit, if he prays to recive the baptism with the Holy Spirit again. I find in deed no scripture which says that someone who already received the baptism with the Holy Spirit should pray for it again...
  5. wolfwint


    Sorry, but if you pray such a prayer, to what other conclusion I should come? There is only one baptism. I nowhere read in the bible that I must be baptised with the Holy Spirit again and again. I did not attack you, but I was wondering about your prayer.
  6. wolfwint


    So according your prayer you are not baptized with the Holy Spirit?
  7. wolfwint


    I suppose its not the question that the Holy Spirit gives the gifts as the bible says. Its the question how it is taught since 1900 in some Christian movements. Which makes it difficult to believe that certain gifts are still there which were not there after the apostolic time.
  8. wolfwint

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Finaly it doesnt matter what we believe or not about the future things to come. They will come as the Lords says. I for my part believe the next big thing will be the rapture. It makes more sense for me then all the other views.
  9. wolfwint

    Jesus is risen

    Happy ressuraction feast! Jesus is risen from death. He is truly risen! HALLELUJAH!
  10. wolfwint

    Who is to blame for the latest Isreal Palestine war really ?

    Again, no Single Country in this world would act different to that what Israel is doing in Gaza. And there are enough under them they would have already eliminate whole Gaza. But they blame alone Israel. This is realy remarkable. Are they blind? Or simply Gods Tools?
  11. wolfwint

    Who is to blame for the latest Isreal Palestine war really ?

    Well, in this point we come not to an agree. I think that Israel will have a difficult future - till the Lord comes and they accept him as messajah. Till then it will happen what leads to this moment. It may be and in deed it is that Israel becomes partly very worldly. But it is still Gods...
  12. wolfwint

    Who is to blame for the latest Isreal Palestine war really ?

    Hamas will not Release te hostages. If they dont get their conditions. If Israel would agree with this conditions they can commit suicide. No government in this world would agree with this conditions.
  13. wolfwint

    The hatred of Jews

    Then dont be to shure! As you are gravtet into the vine, you can also be removed. Israel is still Gods people. And the time will come they accept Jesus Christ as their saviour. Church and the 12 tribes of Israel are not the same. Maby you should read Romans chapter 11 again!
  14. wolfwint


    Correct, thats why I said its a partly fulfillment. The verses before describe the political and physical situation of Israel. Vers 28 startet: afterward...... from what is described in the verses before. This was not the situation of Israel in Peters days. And this not happend till today...
  15. wolfwint


    Pardon, i am just not agree with false teaching. This has nothing to do with hate.
  16. wolfwint


    Still the Joel passage is yet not fully fulfilled. Or was Israel in Jesus time a country living in peace and prosperous? No it was not! So you take it out of the context, if you claim this was fully fulfilled. Many take the Joel passage and put it on the today pentecostal movement. This is...