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  1. timemeddler

    Im new here. I need some help regarding 1 Corinth 11:14

    Puritans can be such snowflakes over the most un-important stuff, they see their culture how they want to see it and expect people to conform to that image. They ignore the gay pride, the gender changing of minors, the letting out of rapists and all the evil crap our culture is normalizing. But...
  2. timemeddler

    Im new here. I need some help regarding 1 Corinth 11:14

    Basically, at the end paul leaves it up to us to decide anyway, so unless your going for multi-pound monster hair like Absalom, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  3. timemeddler

    Im new here. I need some help regarding 1 Corinth 11:14

    No that's a western culture thing(and very old at that, people made that accusation about the monkeys in the 1960's) Ever read the story of Sampson?
  4. timemeddler

    Im new here. I need some help regarding 1 Corinth 11:14

    ask Sampson, the best theory I've found is that by "long" he means not fussed and done up like how women might do. I haven't studied this much, but it might have been a local cultural thing since Corinth isn't Israel.
  5. timemeddler

    The unforgivable sin

    once, the answer is actually pretty straight forward, and that's a terrible paraphrase of what he said.
  6. timemeddler

    Boxing from a biblical perspective

    Another portion of the bible that gets abused by people wanting to condemn anything they don't like.
  7. timemeddler

    nwhat are your views on tattoos?

    It also says we should not cut the sides of our hair.
  8. timemeddler

    Is It a Sin to Have a Favorite Child? What About a Favorite Parent, Sibling, Cousin, etc.?

    favoritism is sin, being closer to certain individuals is not. be mindful of the difference.
  9. timemeddler

    Question about women in the church.

    society has made masculinity into something it should be. Esau and jacob, esau may have been tough and macho, but god chose jacob, we should remember that.
  10. timemeddler

    American Christianity

    unfortunately it's all too easy to let cultural social standards of behavior influence behavior often in a negative way that isn't completely scriptural.
  11. timemeddler

    Ladies, Are You Afraid to Let a Man See You Without Makeup? Men, Do You Ever Wish You Could Wear Something to Cover Acne? (Skin Problems.)

    okay, I admit I've contemplated it to hide my dark eysockets on occasion, but I wouldn't know what to use.
  12. timemeddler

    Ladies, Are You Afraid to Let a Man See You Without Makeup? Men, Do You Ever Wish You Could Wear Something to Cover Acne? (Skin Problems.)

    Ever been to an anime or scifi convention? guys do it all the time for that sort of thing
  13. timemeddler

    Loss of salvation???

    yeah that was a typo on my part.
  14. timemeddler

    favorite music?

    uh yes that movie is known for it.
  15. timemeddler

    favorite music?

    styles? none per say. I enjoy certain songs from wizard of oz, perhaps the monkeys?
  16. timemeddler

    Should Church attire be criticized?

    normal people aren't that picky and there isn't a ton about it in the bible. Of course that doesn't mean someone won't complain and start an issue over nothing.
  17. timemeddler

    Strongly dislike Smartphones

    lets see, 2 meter band radio saves my ass when I'm broke down when phone didn't work, gonna go with radio.
  18. timemeddler

    Should Christians be allowed to own a gun legally?

    yeah finding guns from private owners is easier said than done. Muzzleloaders aren't legally considered firearms and can be shipped via mail.
  19. timemeddler

    Should Christians be allowed to own a gun legally?

    Glad I have all I need any new ones are probably going to be muzzleloaders just because I don't want to jump through all the legal hoops they've put in place.