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  1. oyster67

    June 10th, 1967

    Yes. At Mid-Trib. No. The Pre-Tribs do not believe that Christ destroys antichrist and returns at Mid-Trib. We believe in seven years of Trib and that AC is destroyed at Second Coming.
  2. oyster67

    June 10th, 1967

    The Bible does not imply that the Jews will be doing it. ^^^^ This ^^^^ ^^^^ And This ^^^ 2 Thess 2: 3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4Who opposeth and exalteth...
  3. oyster67

    Does the devil have any goal?

    Sorry Gary. Typos Happen sometimes. I will fix it...
  4. oyster67

    Nothing but the truth 👍

    Revelation 20:14 “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.” Although this first "death and hell" is not the Lake of Fire, it still does not seem to be very "tranquil". Luke 16: 22And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into...
  5. oyster67

    Hello from the Lone Star State of Texas USA.

    Welcome to CC, brother John. :)(y):coffee:
  6. oyster67

    Who has the right to give moral discipline

    Nope. Not even then.
  7. oyster67

    Who has the right to give moral discipline

    I like you a lot too, but I am not a "chicken".
  8. oyster67

    Who has the right to give moral discipline

    God is not finished with the Jews. He will gather them unto Himself at the conclusion of the Tribulation.
  9. oyster67

    Nothing but the truth 👍

    We usually think of Rapture as going up, not down. "Rapture" is a future event. It would be interesting to discuss the timeframe of this event. Does it refer to the future Lake of Fire, or something else? Is this the place where a man wishes to return and warn his brother's?
  10. oyster67

    A problem with KJV-Onlyism

    What is your point? Do you have a point? A punch-line even???
  11. oyster67

    Who has the right to give moral discipline

    Unfortunately, "Zionism" means many different things to many different people.
  12. oyster67

    Nothing but the truth 👍

    The Rapture is for the Church. The Tribulation is to bring the Jewish people to an understanding of who Jesus is and to pour out God's wrath on an unbelieving world. The Bride shall marry the Bridegroom in Heaven before the return to Earth for the Second Coming and Millennial reign.
  13. oyster67

    Does the devil have any goal?

    Yes, and many of His children are just like dear old dad. :devilish:
  14. oyster67

    A problem with KJV-Onlyism

    Sure it can... and has.. and forever shall be. Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
  15. oyster67

    Who has the right to give moral discipline

    Yes. God is the Word and the Word is God.
  16. oyster67

    Who has the right to give moral discipline

    Who has the right to give moral discipline God and parents are the first that comes to mind.
  17. oyster67

    God is Great

    Very fine, thank you. (y)
  18. oyster67

    Hi everyone,

    Welcome, dear sister Jummy! :)(y):coffee:
  19. oyster67

    Hello Hello

    Welcome, Brad! Don't know much about travelling. I am 56, have never travelled outside US, been on an airplane, or lived away from my parents old homestead for more than a year. Just me and my little Amelia now. She keeps track of the mice for me. I go to a Mennonite Church where there are no...