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  1. tanakh

    Russia preparing for war

    While many are wearing masks you prefer a blindfold. There is only one conspiracy and there is nothing theoretical about it. As for the NASA expedition what people believe about it makes no difference to their eternal destiny. You appear to enjoy playing Russian roulette with yours.
  2. tanakh

    Russia preparing for war

    Whatever you think about Russia the Bible teaches that Russia and Turkey play a major role in the run up to Armageddon and the second coming of Christ. The geographical directions mentioned in Bible prophecy are taken from the standpoint of Jerusalem and in particular from the Mount of Olives...
  3. tanakh

    Russia preparing for war

    The scenery is being put in place and the main players are in dress rehearsal
  4. tanakh

    A golden key to understand the book of Revelations

    The golden key is to understand that the book of Revelation is to be read on different levels and perspectives. It is almost all based on writings found in what we call the Old Testament and what John and the Apostles saw as their Scriptures. Without knowing or for some caring about the...
  5. tanakh

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    The only other person in the Bible that I know of who had a mark was Cain,. God didn't jab him with anything. The mark was to stop people killing him not to help them do it. see Genesis 4 vs 13- 15
  6. tanakh

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    Suggestion Instead of taking notice of Looney Toons on U Tube who more or less invite you to die by not having the covid vaccine why not use some common sense instead.
  7. tanakh

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    Because other People who have had the same jab have experienced flu - like symptoms. I assume that i am not unique and that its a matter of luck whether you get any or not. I have a friend who is the same age as myself. Last year he had a Flu jab that made him very ill and he is not getting...
  8. tanakh

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    Its not a false sense of security. A person who has had all or some of the Covid jabs has a much weaker variety than someone with none at all. Its the difference between being in Hospital dying of it than catching a cold. In any case how do you become sneeze proof? Its winter here people get...
  9. tanakh

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    Only if you confidently expect it to turn you into a son of perdition as many on this site appear to believe.
  10. tanakh

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    Update Its been about a week since I had my booster jab still no devilish symptoms to report. I have now added a Flu jab to my system. Apart from a sore arm and feeling like a Pin Cushion nothing much else to report about that either booster
  11. tanakh

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

    What do you call an old Greek IT expert? An ancient Geek
  12. tanakh

    Pray for Poland

    I have been following the news regarding the situation in Poland and that part of eastern Europe. The people there certainly need prayer. But I am convinced that the situation there and the world in general is a sign that the second coming is imminent. The Prophets warn us about these days...
  13. tanakh

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    People drop dead all the time whether they have a vaccine or not its the fallen condition mankind is cursed with. The argument could go both ways someone could die a few days before having it and then some one would say if only they had the vaccine a few days earlier. By the way I now have a...
  14. tanakh

    Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast (MOTB)?

    I had my booster jab last Friday. No signs of horns and a tail yet but I will keep you posted or Beasted depending on the outcome
  15. tanakh

    ~Chuckle for the Day~

    A Duck walks into a bar and asks for a Beer and some Cheese sandwiches. the barman was amazed at this and the Duck asked him why he was so surprised. The Barman apologised and said that he had never seen a Duck that could talk before. He asked the Duck what he was doing there. The Duck told him...
  16. tanakh

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Concerning Aliens I don't believe that there is intelligent life on Planets like our own because there is none here. Bob Monkhouse British comedian
  17. tanakh

    Is the Rapture a lie? Is Zionism a lie?

    Yes all these things are in the Bible. Its how they are understood and interpreted that matters.
  18. tanakh

    The church is a hospital for sinners?

    I don't know what Church you are talking about. I wouldn't go near any Church here in the UK. Over here at present National health Hospitals are the last place anyone wants to find their selves in in. The same goes for UK Churches. I saw a satirical letter yesterday that sums it up. Someone...
  19. tanakh

    Warning against eating meat

    In Pauls day most people were Pagans. There were no family Butcher shops. In the Cities to get meat one went to a Temple for it. The meat was often offered to Idols before being sold. The problem Paul addressed was not whether to eat meat or not but where the meat came from and what had been...
  20. tanakh

    Some life advice...

    Following my experience on another thread I found this interesting and appropriate part of a Poem which could fit many situations in life ---- Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive Sir Walter Scott Marmion 1808 Deception ultimately comes from the dark side but it...