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  1. G

    Russia preparing for war

    Just as well Mr Biden is no longer President then.
  2. G

    the Sabbath

    No, all the commandments is say is what to do. There is nothing that tells us how.
  3. G

    the Sabbath

    Easy. We have a conscience. Do you not read the Bible? God's moral code is written in the heart. Everyone knows that it is wrong to steal and murder. However, no unbeliever knows that not loving God is sin. Or not loving your neighbour. When I was born again, some things changed immediately. I...
  4. G

    the Sabbath

    There are unbelievers who have won the Victoria Cross. They have interesting stories too. What is your point?
  5. G

    Questions about Christianity

    Perhaps it is because we know about Muslim violence, hatred, oppression and discrimination. I would not call "From the river to the sea" hatred a small black dot. That's not how I would describe sentencing Muslims to death who turn away from Islam. Your problem is that there are some who know...
  6. G

    the Sabbath

    I'm not going over it again. You are deceived and unteachable.
  7. G

    Friends making fun of Jesus. What to do?

    Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 I was in the military when I got saved. I had to let go of my friendships. It was not easy as I was the only believer on my ship. God was gracious. I met many Christians in the ports we went to, even in Japan. If we...
  8. G

    the Sabbath

    I do not believe that anyone here is saying that Christians have a licence to sin. I will say that knowing the Law will not set anyone free from the power of sin. Paul knew the commandment against coveting but he was powerless to change himself. He discovered freedom in Christ. And that is the...
  9. G

    the Sabbath

    I do what the Lord Jesus shows me to do. The 10 commandments came through Moses. If the Law could save anyone, Jesus died for nothing. The Christian life is a life of obedience and faith. But not faith in the Law or obedience to a few commandments. Romans 8:14: "For all who are led by the...
  10. G

    the Sabbath

    As I've said before, read the rest of the NT instead of cherry picking scripture to suit your preconceived notions. Jesus commands me in my spirit man, not by His word on stone. I do not steal just because of a commandment. I do not steal because my conscience tells me not to. I knew stealing...
  11. G

    Random Questions; Bible-based answers

    The spirit of man cannot be wrong. It is the part of us taught by God. Our spirit may not know everything as we need to be taught by God. The problems arise when we rely on our natural man to interpret things. The spirit man in us us the part that is born again. Whatever is born of God does not...
  12. G

    Biden Harris give Ukraine missiles to strike Russia

    Not at all. It's how weapons are used that counts. Russia, for example, is deliberately murdering POWs that they capture. That's a war crime. Giving a Russian soldier a gun is not a war crime. Hamas deliberately targeted women, children, babies and civilian men. That is a war crime. Killing...
  13. G

    the Sabbath

    I go by what Jesus said. His death and resurrection were as certain as night follows day. I am sanctified because of Christ. He is my wisdom and my sanctification. (1 Corinthians 1:30). I no longer shun sin because a set of rules condemn me if I sin. I have an inbuilt desire not to sin. That...
  14. G

    Random Questions; Bible-based answers

    Logic and reason are fallible. Spiritual things are spiritually understood. The mind is not meant to be the master but rather the servant. God reveals truth by His Spirit. The function of the mind is to take what is revealed in the human spirit and make it comprehensible to us and to others...
  15. G

    Bad things

    Because the world has rejected Christ. Satan is the god of this world and controls it. Be surprised when the world gets it right. God wants the people of the world to repent and receive Christ. Once God sees fit, Jesus will return and put an end to the madness. The heart of man is deceitful...
  16. G

    One week free of a toxic friendship. Please pray for me

    Remember always that Jesus is on your side. He will never leave you or forsake you. Instead of trying to overcome, give your burden to Lord Jesus. Cast your care on Him who cares so much for you.
  17. G

    the Sabbath

    Good one. Now tell me how you obey those commandments. The problem is not with the law, but with the people who are required to keep it. It's not even that the commandments are too hard. It is quite simply that there is nothing in the heart of man that wants to obey God. Only a new nature will...
  18. G

    Questions about Christianity

    Yes, I am aware that there are indeed Christians in Muslim majority countries. Don't try to tell me that Christians are safe in Afghanistan or Pakistan. The truth is out there. I am aware that many Muslims are not aggressive and full of hate. But don't try to tell me that those who are are not...
  19. G

    the Sabbath

    I am connected to Jesus already. I know His teachings. It's a shame that sabbath obsessed focus only on a few.