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  1. Subhumanoidal


    That seems a rather limited interpretation of the use of the ignore button. Not everything is about opinion, self edification and disagreements. There are some people whose personalities so badly irritate me it becomes a point of frustration. They may not do anything 'wrong', but i subjectively...
  2. Subhumanoidal

    Don't Settle

    But see you aren't saying anything I haven't heard 1000 times. And, as I even admitted in my post to the OP I'm well aware it's something i struggle with. I've admitted it many times in the forums and have even spoken with other users numerous times about advice on it. I've focused on how users...
  3. Subhumanoidal

    Don't Settle

    I, for one, dont often start threads simply for the fact that I only tend to start threads on topics that I feel affected by in a strong enough way. I'm not great at starting things in that way, while others are. I wish I were and I would start more. Nor would I say I "shot down" the OP. I...
  4. Subhumanoidal

    Don't Settle

    I agree it's fine to see topics brought back up, but this particular topic is the one so many want to come on here and preach about, but most users here already have a decent handle on it. Of all the singles topics this is the one most overplayed. There are plenty of other good topics that could...
  5. Subhumanoidal

    No mainstream Christian music allowed in this thread

    Jump to 25 seconds for the start.
  6. Subhumanoidal

    No mainstream Christian music allowed in this thread

    Celtic punk anyone? Christian also.
  7. Subhumanoidal

    No mainstream Christian music allowed in this thread

    Best Christian goth band ever
  8. Subhumanoidal

    No mainstream Christian music allowed in this thread

    The Winner =D And yes, its Christian.
  9. Subhumanoidal

    Don't Settle

    The notion that 'God has someone for you' is so misleading and simply not true. It seems to bring a lot of heartache and a misinterpretation of the story of creation, to me, does not qualify as biblical evidence. Marriage is not promised for everyone, or even most. If a promise of marriage were...
  10. Subhumanoidal

    What happen to the chat room 😕

    It seems fairly common to have installation issues with it. Other than the Air thing just make sure you don't have an old version installed already. Beyond that I'm clueless haha. Good luck.
  11. Subhumanoidal


    Welcome to CC. It's pretty simple. Find a subforum that strikes your interest and head on in. Check out the thread titles and go to any that sound interesting and start reading. If you see a comment you want to respond to hit the Reply button and it will quote that user and tag them to let them...
  12. Subhumanoidal

    What happen to the chat room 😕

    Try installing Adobe Air, or make sure it's up to date first. That foxes some installation problems.
  13. Subhumanoidal

    How Many of You Have Gone Through "The Single Ladies Christian Book Phase"?

    Actually it could be viewed as a positive on his end that he was humble enough to let go of something he had invested so much in and built his reputation on. To put his reputation on the line by acknowledging he was wrong at risk of such great loss speaks quite well of him. Just a little extra...
  14. Subhumanoidal

    It’s official; NZ is ranked number 1 sexiest accent in the world!

    Southern accents can even vary. Different states can have different variations on the accent. NZ accents sound like a combination of the best parts of British and Aussie without the negatives. So nice to hear.
  15. Subhumanoidal

    Let's Daydream A Little...

    My last gf was planning on getting a gun and a concealed carry permit. I, on the other hand, often woo'd he regularly with things I wrote. Not just woo'd, but she swooned often :ROFL:
  16. Subhumanoidal

    The Trump Deception Church & State United

    We have one thread bashing Trump for saying the Pope isn't Christian and here we have a thread on how he's on cahoots with the Pope. You Trump haters can't have it both ways.
  17. Subhumanoidal

    How do you take your coffee?

    There's always room for balanced logic. Or whatever it is I say. :ROFL:
  18. Subhumanoidal

    How do you take your coffee?

    Maybe both?